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citi bank commercial song. please please help me.

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# 1 18 years ago

this is in regaurds to the citibank commercial where a child is flying a kite while being accompanyed by his father. the music is very beautiful with violins playing in it. if someone could give me the name of this classical piece i would be very greatful. thank you.
# 2 18 years ago

tchaikovsky string quartet no.1
# 3 18 years ago

> this is in regaurds to the citibank commercial where a child is flying a kite while being accompanyed by his father. the music is very beautiful with violins playing in it. if someone could give me the name of this classical piece i would be very greatful. thank you.

# 4 18 years ago

> this is in regaurds to the citibank commercial where a a chinese man is cutting some paper in to a crazy design. If someone could help me with what song that is that would be awesome. josh
# 5 18 years ago

> > this is in regaurds to the citibank commercial where a a chinese man is cutting some paper in to a crazy design. If someone could help me with what song that is that would be awesome. josh
> im sorry i dont have any info, but if you find the name of the song PLEESE could you tell me. i really like it!!! thanks
# 6 18 years ago

> this is in regaurds to the citibank commercial where a child is flying a kite while being accompanyed by his father. the music is very beautiful with violins playing in it. if someone could give me the name of this classical piece i would be very greatful. thank you.

I love thet song, too! The song was composed by the great Russian Romantic Composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The name of the song is "String Quartet No.1 in D major, Op. 11: 1., Moderato e semplice". The song is spectacular. I suggest you find it and downoad it, or e mail me and I'll help you.
# 7 18 years ago

> > this is in regaurds to the citibank commercial where a a chinese man is cutting some paper in to a crazy design. If someone could help me with what song that is that would be awesome. josh

I'm pretty sure the song is 100 years by Five for Fighting if you haven't found it yet.. hope that helped.

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