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Clipland Forum TV Commercials

Nike Commercial (01/2006)

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# 46 18 years ago

> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
# 47 18 years ago

Gaz & Liv
> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?

me and my brother are both looking for the song also! it would be great if someone could post it! thank you.
# 48 18 years ago

> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
# 49 18 years ago

> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
# 50 18 years ago

> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
# 51 18 years ago

> > New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
Sammy Haggar
# 52 18 years ago

idk what the song is i have actually been tring to find out
# 53 18 years ago

idk what the song is i have actually been tring to find out
# 54 18 years ago

> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?

Try this website:
If it is not up there already, they usually get it up fairly soon.
# 55 18 years ago

> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
# 56 18 years ago

> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
# 57 18 years ago

> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
# 58 18 years ago

its ac/dc rock and roll aint no noise pollution
# 59 18 years ago

> > New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
# 60 18 years ago

> New Nike Commercial airing during NFL playoffs (Jan 2006). Starts off slow then kicks in with heavy metal guitar music, sounds a little like AC/DC. Various sports and athletes are shown throughout the commercial. What's the song?
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