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Clipland Forum Music Videos

MUSIC VIDEO HELP!! Who sings this???????

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# 1 18 years ago

Hi, this is driving me nuts.

I remember a music video that played on MTV2 back in either the summer of
2001 or 2002 (i'm thinking 2001). I don't remember the style of music, the
band name, or anything like that. I only remember some clips from the video.
The video was not a live action music video. It was more like a stop-motion
video. It was animated but the people and everything was very "stiff". For
example, one person would be very stiff in appearance and have a set
expression on his/her face and would "slide" from scene to scene instead of walk. The animation was not very fluid.

I believe it was a rock band. *Almost* certain of this.

I remember an overhead shot of a car driving down a street. I believe I remember this same car stopping at a diner and someone getting out with, I think, a
briefcase. Inside the diner the person slides a green dollar bill on the
counter towards the person in charge. The person in charge slides, in
return, a hamburger on a plate towards the guy who slid the dollar. It was a
very creepy, surreal video.

I've Googled keywords to death and have looked for this music video for
years. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

I've tried contacting MTV2 directly but that sure didn't work out.

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