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Discovery Channel's Shark Week

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# 1 20 years ago

Anyone know the name of the music played during the Shark Week promo: it's the commercial where everyone's just staring or gazing at the water before them, afraid to get in.
The music utilizes a single cello and a pizzicatto background and sounds sort of on the macabre side.
# 2 20 years ago

I read in a different forum ( that it is 'yumeji's theme' and although is is very similar I'm not sure that's it.
Anyone know for sure?
# 3 20 years ago

sounds like a hungarian style waltz. i have been searching for it forever. the cello solo makes a good audition piece... i might email my teacher; there is a likelihood he may know. if he does i'll be sure to tell you.

# 4 20 years ago

It's called 'Yumeji's Theme' off the soundtrack for a movie called 'In the Mood for Love'

# 5 20 years ago

go here:

> Anyone know the name of the music played during the Shark Week promo: it's the commercial where everyone's just staring or gazing at the water before them, afraid to get in.
> The music utilizes a single cello and a pizzicatto background and sounds sort of on the macabre side.

# 6 20 years ago

I was just wondering if somehow you found out some other way what the title is and who the performer is
# 7 19 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the music played during the Shark Week promo: it's the commercial where everyone's just staring or gazing at the water before them, afraid to get in.
> The music utilizes a single cello and a pizzicatto background and sounds sort of on the macabre side.
# 8 19 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the music played during the Shark Week promo: it's the commercial where everyone's just staring or gazing at the water before them, afraid to get in.
> The music utilizes a single cello and a pizzicatto background and sounds sort of on the macabre side.
(All 8 messages )

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