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att commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

who is the actress that plays the angel in the att commercials?
# 2 20 years ago

> who is the actress that plays the angel in the att commercials?

Umm...I think Jaime Pressley or something like that...

# 3 20 years ago

> : who is the actress that plays the angel in the att commercials?
: Umm...I think Jaime Pressley or something like that...
what is the piano song that the little boy isa playing while his other listens on her cell ppohone on a bus for at&t wireless?

# 4 20 years ago

> :> who is the actress that plays the angel in the att commercials?
:> Umm...I think Jaime Pressley or something like that...
> what is the piano song that the little boy is playing while his mother listens on her cell phone on a bus for at&t wireless?

# 5 20 years ago

The song you are referring to is a portion of "Ombra Mai Fu" from Handel's Xerxes...
# 6 20 years ago

> > : who is the actress that plays the angel in the att commercials?
> >
> : Umm...I think Jaime Pressley or something like that...
> what is the piano song that the little boy isa playing while his other listens on her cell ppohone on a bus for at&t wireless?
> Have you found out what piano piece the boy is playing?
(All 6 messages )

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