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iPod commercial

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# 1 22 years ago

i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song from the iPod commerical... it is playing while this guy is nodding his head to it as he sits at his iMac, downloading the song to his iPod... theres a pause, while he puts his ear phones on, then he starts dancing while the song plays...
# 2 22 years ago

'Cause that's what The Propellerheads want u 2 do, Take California!

# 3 22 years ago

Any info on the group that did the ipod commerical yet Christine asked for?? Looking for the same info too.

# 4 21 years ago

TAKE CALIFORNIA - PROPELLERHEADS> i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song from the iPod commerical... it is playing while this guy is nodding his head to it as he sits at his iMac, downloading the song to his iPod... theres a pause, while he puts his ear phones on, then he starts dancing while the song plays...
: thanks

# 5 21 years ago

It's called 'Take California' by The Propellorheads.
> i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song from the iPod commerical... it is playing while this guy is nodding his head to it as he sits at his iMac, downloading the song to his iPod... theres a pause, while he puts his ear phones on, then he starts dancing while the song plays...
: thanks

# 6 20 years ago

Take california by the propellerheads
# 7 20 years ago

is NOT propellerheads, that's a beatle commercial, not the Ipod's Unite commercial.
# 8 20 years ago

anyone knw the name of that song played in the ipod commercial, the people are dancing in shadows..please anyone respond.

# 9 20 years ago

> i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song from the iPod commerical... it is playing while this guy is nodding his head to it as he sits at his iMac, downloading the song to his iPod... theres a pause, while he puts his ear phones on, then he starts dancing while the song plays...
: thanks
I swear it's the white stripes but I would like to know
# 10 20 years ago

Answer: The song is titled "Will you be my girl?" and the artists is Jet.

> i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song from the iPod commerical... it is playing while this guy is nodding his head to it as he sits at his iMac, downloading the song to his iPod... theres a pause, while he puts his ear phones on, then he starts dancing while the song plays...
> thanks
# 11 20 years ago

one of them is "will you be my girl?" but what is the other one with the shadows dancing?

# 12 20 years ago

> i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song from the iPod commerical... it's got lyrics that go:
back to funk, swipe the funk, freak the funk, hype the funk, and all that junk.
# 13 20 years ago

> Its ~Are you gonn be my girl~ by Jet
# 14 19 years ago

> I was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song from the iPod commerical... it is playing while this guy is walking down a street with a wall behind him and there is painted people on the wall and they dance to his music and then they stop when he presses pause on his Ipod, and then they start dancing again when he presses play.
> thanks
# 15 19 years ago

some kid
> is NOT propellerheads, that's a beatle commercial, not the Ipod's Unite commercial.
what is the name of the song on the newest ipod commercial?
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