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Honda Civic Nation Commercial - Song Title ?

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# 1 20 years ago

There's this commercial that is on right now with Honda Civics in a city all coming together. What is the name of the song??? The lyrics go something like, 'I'm calling all my children from the east and the west, I'm calling all my children from the now and the then...'
# 2 20 years ago

> There's this commercial that is on right now with Honda Civics in a city all coming together. What is the name of the song??? The lyrics go something like, 'I'm calling all my children from the east and the west, I'm calling all my children from the now and the then...'
: Thanks

# 3 20 years ago

> : There's this commercial that is on right now with Honda Civics in a city all coming together. What is the name of the song??? The lyrics go something like, 'I'm calling all my children from the east and the west, I'm calling all my children from the now and the then...'
:> Thanks

# 4 20 years ago

on kazaa search for a song called 'Honda civic nation' or sumthin like that, and thats the song

# 5 20 years ago

on kazaa search for a song called 'Honda civic nation' or sumthin like that, and thats the song

# 6 20 years ago

> > There's this commercial that is on right now with Honda Civics in a city all coming together. What is the name of the song??? The lyrics go something like, 'I'm calling all my children from the east and the west, I'm calling all my children from the now and the then...'
> : Thanks
Dude, I'm really sorry but I have no idea what song it is that you're looking for, but I need help too. The new Honda commercial where the guy's walking down the beach and he bumps in to the BLACK Honda, etc. There's a song playing in the background and it says something like "Oh She Mine"..... What is it? Please Help! Thanks! Daisy
# 7 20 years ago

The song is called civic nation,
by Denizen Kane & Universe Neo
# 8 19 years ago

> What is the name of the song that is shown during formula 1? The intro of the song is, sha la la la la la la
> Thanks
# 9 19 years ago

> > There's this commercial that is on right now with a Honda Civic being used to
line a field, as a fire engine etc. What song is being used?

Thank you

# 10 19 years ago

> > There's this commercial that is on right now with Honda Civics in a city all coming together. What is the name of the song??? The lyrics go something like, 'I'm calling all my children from the east and the west, I'm calling all my children from the now and the then...'
> : Thanks
# 11 18 years ago

> There's this commercial that is on right now with Honda Civics in a city all coming together. What is the name of the song??? The lyrics go something like, 'I'm calling all my children from the east and the west, I'm calling all my children from the now and the then...'
> Thanks
# 12 18 years ago

> > There's this commercial that is on right now with Honda Civics in a city all coming together. What is the name of the song??? The lyrics go something like, 'I'm calling all my children from the east and the west, I'm calling all my children from the now and the then...'
> > Thanks
> >
# 13 18 years ago

> > There's this commercial that is on right now with Honda Civics in a city all coming together. What is the name of the song??? The lyrics go something like, 'I'm calling all my children from the east and the west, I'm calling all my children from the now and the then for the how and the when for the, what?, once again...'
> > Thanks

> >
# 14 18 years ago

I dont think there is a song title. Is only a song made for that commercial.
# 15 18 years ago

I have it. Its by Denizen Kane feat. Universe Neo, apparently the song is called Calling Card... but everything i have found is labeled civic nation or represent
hope that helped

> > There's this commercial that is on right now with Honda Civics in a city all coming together. What is the name of the song??? The lyrics go something like, 'I'm calling all my children from the east and the west, I'm calling all my children from the now and the then...'
> > Thanks
> >
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