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levi's rivet ad

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# 1 20 years ago

Can anyone help me? I'm trying to locate an ad for levi's that told the story about levi's rivets.
I think the ad opened on a factory shot, showing metal smelting etc. Going on to show a lorry travelling across an ice barren landscape...any ideas?
# 2 20 years ago

> Can anyone help me? I'm trying to locate an ad for levi's that told the story about levi's rivets.
> I think the ad opened on a factory shot, showing metal smelting etc. Going on to show a lorry travelling across an ice barren landscape...any ideas?
# 3 19 years ago

> Can anyone help me? I'm trying to locate an ad for levi's that told the story about levi's rivets.
> I think the ad opened on a factory shot, showing metal smelting etc. Going on to show a lorry travelling across an ice barren landscape...any ideas?
# 4 19 years ago

>I am trying to find advert myself, did you have any luck by chance.. If not and I locate I will forward to you

My interest is that Midge Ure and Chris Cross (Ultravox) wrote the music for it

Regards, Charles

Can anyone help me? I'm trying to locate an ad for levi's that told the story about levi's rivets.
> I think the ad opened on a factory shot, showing metal smelting etc. Going on to show a lorry travelling across an ice barren landscape...any ideas?
# 5 19 years ago

>I am trying to find advert myself, did you have any luck by chance.. If not and I locate I will forward to you

My interest is that Midge Ure and Chris Cross (Ultravox) wrote the music for it

Regards, Charles

Can anyone help me? I'm trying to locate an ad for levi's that told the story about levi's rivets.
> I think the ad opened on a factory shot, showing metal smelting etc. Going on to show a lorry travelling across an ice barren landscape...any ideas?
(All 5 messages )

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