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# 1 20 years ago

Okay, I know this isn't a casting agency, but would anyone happen to know who that cute and spunky girl is in the Glad Bags commercials? She's always saying '__________ is mad!! And then she plays around with them and says 'Don't get mad, get Glad.'
Then the girl in the red sweater on the Travelocity commercials. She has big beautiful brown eyes. I call her the beautiful doe-eyed girl. In the face she reminds me just a little of Winona Ryder. But she's not.
# 2 20 years ago

'Get a Life'
# 3 20 years ago

> In a quote from the famous William Shatner to the Star Trek groupies :
> 'Get a Life'
Come on, lighten up.

# 4 20 years ago

she's actually in a sitcom now... ooh i wish i could remember which one... i don't even know which channel... but yea, she's on a sitcom now.
> Okay, I know this isn't a casting agency, but would anyone happen to know who that cute and spunky girl is in the Glad Bags commercials? She's always saying '__________ is mad!! And then she plays around with them and says 'Don't get mad, get Glad.'
> Then the girl in the red sweater on the Travelocity commercials. She has big beautiful brown eyes. I call her the beautiful doe-eyed girl. In the face she reminds me just a little of Winona Ryder. But she's not.

# 5 20 years ago

it's called HAPPY FAMILY with john larroquette and christine baranski.
> she's actually in a sitcom now... ooh i wish i could remember which one... i don't even know which channel... but yea, she's on a sitcom now.
>> Okay, I know this isn't a casting agency, but would anyone happen to know who that cute and spunky girl is in the Glad Bags commercials? She's always saying '__________ is mad!! And then she plays around with them and says 'Don't get mad, get Glad.'
>> Then the girl in the red sweater on the Travelocity commercials. She has big beautiful brown eyes. I call her the beautiful doe-eyed girl. In the face she reminds me just a little of Winona Ryder. But she's not.

# 6 20 years ago

> it's called HAPPY FAMILY with john larroquette and christine baranski.
Many thanks Jojik.
# 7 20 years ago

Melanie Dean Moore is the Glad Bag Lady, also played the joyce dewitt character in the Three's Company movie
> she's actually in a sitcom now... ooh i wish i could remember which one... i don't even know which channel... but yea, she's on a sitcom now.
>> Okay, I know this isn't a casting agency, but would anyone happen to know who that cute and spunky girl is in the Glad Bags commercials? She's always saying '__________ is mad!! And then she plays around with them and says 'Don't get mad, get Glad.'
>> Then the girl in the red sweater on the Travelocity commercials. She has big beautiful brown eyes. I call her the beautiful doe-eyed girl. In the face she reminds me just a little of Winona Ryder. But she's not.

# 8 18 years ago

> it's called HAPPY FAMILY with john larroquette and christine baranski.
> > she's actually in a sitcom now... ooh i wish i could remember which one... i don't even know which channel... but yea, she's on a sitcom now.
> >> Okay, I know this isn't a casting agency, but would anyone happen to know who that cute and spunky girl is in the Glad Bags commercials? She's always saying '__________ is mad!! And then she plays around with them and says 'Don't get mad, get Glad.'
> >> Then the girl in the red sweater on the Travelocity commercials. She has big beautiful brown eyes. I call her the beautiful doe-eyed girl. In the face she reminds me just a little of Winona Ryder. But she's not.
That's your girl.
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