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Techno/funk song "What goes around..."from The Italian Job

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Does anyone know the song when Seth Green tramples into system for traffic lights and the song 'what goes around...what goes around' plays.. it's not from the band quarashi btw. but thanks
# 2 20 years ago

The Real Napster
The song is called "To Get Down" by German DJ/producer Timo Maas from his album Loud released in 2002. The song was written by Maas/Buttrich/Hagemeister/Barnes.

You can hear it here on
Edited by moderator on Sun Mar 20 17:40:47 2022
# 3 20 years ago

Pilot In Command
that song is called 'To Get Down' by Timo Mass and FatboySlim
# 4 20 years ago

> that song is called 'To Get Down' by Timo Mass and FatboySlim
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

# 5 20 years ago

Quoting from another user, 'Does anyone know the song when Seth Green tramples into system for traffic lights and the song 'what goes around...what goes around' plays.. it's not from the band quarashi btw. but thanks'

# 6 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the song when Seth Green tramples into system for traffic lights and the song 'what goes around...what goes around' plays.. it's not from the band quarashi btw. but thanks
> Did you ever find out the answer to this?
# 7 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song when Seth Green tramples into system for traffic lights and the song 'what goes around...what goes around' plays.. it's not from the band quarashi btw. but thanks
> > Did you ever find out the answer to this?
# 8 18 years ago

yep, it's TIMO MAAS , song called TO GET DOWN
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