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Pontiac Car Commerical - Blind Girl & Guy - who did the music?????

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# 1 20 years ago

I am looking to see who did the musis for the commerical where the blind girl and guy are driving in the desert???
# 2 20 years ago

some chick mentioned this in a post down

that way...


# 3 20 years ago

Not Possible?
: I am looking to see who did the musis for the commerical where the blind girl and guy are driving in the desert???
Saddly I don't think it's possible to find this song. It looks like this is a song done just for the commercial. It is most definetly not Bauhaus. At no point does Bela Lugosis Dead sound anything like the song in the commercial. It kind of sounds like Paul Oakenfolds Southern Sun, but not exactly. I don't think it will be possible to find the exact commercial song.
# 4 20 years ago

> I'm looking too. Just sent an email to Pontiac asking them. If they give me an answer, I'll pass it along.
> I am looking to see who did the musis for the commerical where the blind girl and guy are driving in the desert???

# 5 20 years ago

> : I believe the song is a remake of a Slowdive song called 'Phospher'. If you do a mp3 search for Slowdive, you will find the song.
:> I am looking to see who did the musis for the commerical where the blind girl and guy are driving in the desert???
> Saddly I don't think it's possible to find this song. It looks like this is a song done just for the commercial. It is most definetly not Bauhaus. At no point does Bela Lugosis Dead sound anything like the song in the commercial. It kind of sounds like Paul Oakenfolds Southern Sun, but not exactly. I don't think it will be possible to find the exact commercial song.

# 6 20 years ago
# 7 20 years ago

M Fischer
the song on this TV ad is by the band Timonium , it's on the album 'until he finds us' you can buy it on
their other albums are great too.
: :
>> I am looking to see who did the musis for the commerical where the blind girl and guy are driving in the desert???
> Saddly I don't think it's possible to find this song. It looks like this is a song done just for the commercial. It is most definetly not Bauhaus. At no point does Bela Lugosis Dead sound anything like the song in the commercial. It kind of sounds like Paul Oakenfolds Southern Sun, but not exactly. I don't think it will be possible to find the exact commercial song.

# 8 20 years ago

Tat Song is a remix of a song called bella lugious dead. the band is called Bauhaus or something. pontiac had some people make the remix but it isnt for sale at local stores
# 9 20 years ago

the last guy was right... that's not a slowdive re-make... That song is by a band called Timonium..
It's the first song off of the album 'Until He finds us'
look it up at

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