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Old anti-drug commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

tom green
Just curious if anyone remembers what the song was that played in an old anti-drug commercial. The commercial had some guy being chased by guys with rabbit ears.
You can see stuff about the commercial here ( but I don't think the video works.
Anyway, if anyone knows what that song was called and who it was by, please let me know. thx

# 2 20 years ago

heres the video...
> Just curious if anyone remembers what the song was that played in an old anti-drug commercial. The commercial had some guy being chased by guys with rabbit ears.
: You can see stuff about the commercial here ( but I don't think the video works.
> Anyway, if anyone knows what that song was called and who it was by, please let me know. thx
I found the actual commercial here...
Anyone know the song name and artist?
# 3 20 years ago

Finally found it hidden away in the site. Its by Looper and its called Mondo 77
# 4 20 years ago

It's - Looper - Mondo '77
# 5 20 years ago

the clip didn't play right for me, but if i remember correctly the song is called '4' by Aphex Twin
# 6 18 years ago

> Just curious if anyone remembers what the song was that played in an old anti-drug commercial. The commercial had some guy being chased by guys with rabbit ears.

Mondo '77 by Loope
# 7 18 years ago

> Just curious if anyone remembers what the song was that played in an old anti-drug commercial. The commercial had some guy being chased by guys with rabbit ears.

Mondo '77 by Looper
# 8 18 years ago

> Just curious if anyone remembers what the song was that played in an old anti-drug commercial. The commercial had some guy being chased by guys with rabbit ears.

Mondo '77 by Looper
# 9 18 years ago

> Just curious if anyone remembers what the song was that played in an old anti-drug commercial. The commercial had some guy being chased by guys with rabbit ears.
> You can see stuff about the commercial here ( but I don't think the video works.
> Anyway, if anyone knows what that song was called and who it was by, please let me know. thx
> Click Here
# 10 18 years ago

> > Just curious if anyone remembers what the song was that played in an old anti-drug commercial. The commercial had some guy being chased by guys with rabbit ears.

> > Anyway, if anyone knows what that song was called and who it was by, please let me know. Thanks
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