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Seeking name of actress in latest Progressive Insurance spot

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# 1 20 years ago

Can anyone out there help me with the name of the actress in the latest Progressive Insurance spot themed around the Voo-Doo doll.
I am trying to find contact info on the young women in the disco (dancing with the guy who was shrunken)
# 2 20 years ago

Word on another site I found is that she is 'Roberta Angelica.' The name certainly suits her, eh?

> Can anyone out there help me with the name of the actress in the latest Progressive Insurance spot themed around the Voo-Doo doll.
> I am trying to find contact info on the young women in the disco (dancing with the guy who was shrunken)
> Thanks!

# 3 20 years ago

cordell mosson
> Word on another site I found is that she is 'Roberta Angelica.' The name certainly suits her, eh?

:> Can anyone out there help me with the name of the actress in the latest Progressive Insurance spot themed around the Voo-Doo doll.
>> I am trying to find contact info on the young women in the disco (dancing with the guy who was shrunken)
>> Thanks!
Thanks for the info!
She is definitely is a babe.
What was the name of the site that you got her name off of?

# 4 20 years ago

# 5 20 years ago

I myself have been looking for an actor's name although from a different Progressive ad. Anyone know the name of the the blonde woman who's the diner waitress? Have seen her in other commercials as well .. Taco Bell, Supercuts, more ...
Anybody know her name?

> > Word on another site I found is that she is 'Roberta Angelica.' The name certainly suits her, eh?
> :> Can anyone out there help me with the name of the actress in the latest Progressive Insurance spot themed around the Voo-Doo doll.
> >> I am trying to find contact info on the young women in the disco (dancing with the guy who was shrunken)
> >> Thanks!
> Thanks for the info!
> She is definitely is a babe.
> What was the name of the site that you got her name off of?
# 6 18 years ago

She also goes by the name Roberta Sammutt. Good luck finding any pics of her online. There aren't any. Esp no screencaps of her in the progressive voodoo commercial.
# 7 18 years ago

> She also goes by the name Roberta Sammutt. Good luck finding any pics of her online. There aren't any. Esp no screencaps of her in the progressive voodoo commercial.

There ARE pics of her, but under the name Roberta Angelica
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