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Suki commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Can anyone tell me the name and where i can find this commerical:
It's placed in a car factory and these robots are painting the cars when all of the sudden the computers go crazy and start spraying everyone and write the name Suki. You hear a mothers voice call Suki and you see this little Japanese girl giggle on your computer. I think it's for firewall protection I just can't remember the company.
# 2 20 years ago

> Can anyone tell me the name and where i can find this commerical:
: It's placed in a car factory and these robots are painting the cars when all of the sudden the computers go crazy and start spraying everyone and write the name Suki. You hear a mothers voice call Suki and you see this little Japanese girl giggle on your computer. I think it's for firewall protection I just can't remember the company.
I know what you're talking about. My boss has a copy, I'll post it on the web when I get it.
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