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Guy in Sierra Mist & Starburst commercials?

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# 1 20 years ago

Anybody know who the guy is in the new Sierra Mist commercial who goes into a convenience store on a hot day and shoves a bag of frozen peas down his pants? He was also in a starburst commercial a few months ago where he was at a party and a girl sits down next to him and puts a wrapped starburst in her mouth, and then pulls out a perfectly flat wrapper.
Anybody know who this guys is? A name or website would be fantastic.
# 2 20 years ago

Yeah i know that guy. That guy is me. What can i do for you Janet? :)
Dave Annable

# 3 20 years ago

I know who he is, his name is Dave. He's so hottie hot! If you have any other questions- just e-mail me.
# 4 20 years ago

Yes!! I know him! He went to my high school! His name is Dave Annable and he was also on Third Watch. He's supposedly shooting a pilot for a new show.

: Anybody know who the guy is in the new Sierra Mist commercial who goes into a convenience store on a hot day and shoves a bag of frozen peas down his pants? He was also in a starburst commercial a few months ago where he was at a party and a girl sits down next to him and puts a wrapped starburst in her mouth, and then pulls out a perfectly flat wrapper.
> Anybody know who this guys is? A name or website would be fantastic.
> Thanks!

# 5 20 years ago

> Anybody know who the guy is in the new Sierra Mist commercial who goes into a convenience store on a hot day and shoves a bag of frozen peas down his pants? He was also in a starburst commercial a few months ago where he was at a party and a girl sits down next to him and puts a wrapped starburst in her mouth, and then pulls out a perfectly flat wrapper.
> Anybody know who this guys is? A name or website would be fantastic.
> Thanks!

# 6 19 years ago

Yeah I went to Plattsburgh State University with him. He actually only lived one town away from me in downstate NY. I knew him through my friend Maureen. Very nice guy!!!
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