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Adult Swim New Commercials

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# 1 20 years ago

Adult Swim is having some weird new commericals with just plan out print talking about mindless stuff. On the other hand they do have some really nice music in some of them. I'm going out on a lim thinking anybody would really know the name of those songs but one of them is saying how THey are the COB who-something- going off on how little you really care about the commmerical and that 40%-something.
The other is about how they write everything on a Black and white card and just love to edit them... thats as much effort they care to put into the commercial est.
# 2 20 years ago

Cannot specifically say who does the songs nor their names for the commercials but during the show they play similar tunes and at the end of the block they do a quick onscreen rundown of all the music played. It seems like they are using alot of music from Algorithm and Jay Dee so check them out and see if it is what you were thinking of.

# 3 18 years ago

> Cannot specifically who does song but three young men visit mom for B-day. Surprise her and at end of commercial boys blowing out candles on cake. Boys between20-30, song sounds VERY modern, alternative, or possibly rock, music is fairly slow. Lyrics something like, " i dont care how you get here just, get here" (probably not exact) the singer is male. HELP me find the name......>
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