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song used in fast times at ridgemont high

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# 1 20 years ago

there is a song i want that is used in the movie fast times in the scene where stacy and mark are driving to go to dinner while on their first date. does anyone know the name?
# 2 20 years ago

I havent seen that movie in a while but if I remember correctly the song is 'Kashmir' by the masters of rock n roll themselves, Led Zeppelin. You should be able to find it pretty easily on any file sharing program.
# 3 20 years ago

> there is a song i want that is used in the movie fast times in the scene where stacy and mark are driving to go to dinner while on their first date. does anyone know the name?
that should be kashmir by led zeppelin
# 4 18 years ago

> there is a song i want that is used in the movie fast times in the scene where that guy day dreams about that girl comming out of the pool and taking her top off.anyone have a clue what that song is called?
# 5 18 years ago

> there is a song i want that is used in the movie fast times in the scene where stacy and mark are driving to go to dinner while on their first date. does anyone know the name?
> it's kashmir by led zeppelin, which is not on led zeppelin four like mike said, its actually on physical graffiti, which came out two albums later
# 6 18 years ago

> > there is a song i want that is used in the movie fast times in the scene where that guy day dreams about that girl comming out of the pool and taking her top off.anyone have a clue what that song is called?
# 7 18 years ago

> > there is a song i want that is used in the movie fast times in the scene where that guy day dreams about that girl comming out of the pool and taking her top off.anyone have a clue what that song is called?

I'd like to know too
# 8 18 years ago

Song is Moving in Stereo by The Cars

> > > there is a song i want that is used in the movie fast times in the scene where that guy day dreams about that girl comming out of the pool and taking her top off.anyone have a clue what that song is called?
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