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2004 pontiac grand prix comercial song

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# 1 20 years ago

does anybody know the name of the song to the 2004 grand prix comercial where a women is driving the car and she gets and ends up being blind.
# 2 20 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the song to the 2004 grand prix comercial where a women is driving the car and she gets and ends up being blind.

Did you get your answer? I am curious too.

# 3 20 years ago

If you wanna hear the original, it's supposed to be Bauhaus's 'Bela Lugosi's Dead'(Original Vlad) but they took it and added a whole new twizznit! Sumbody was also saying the trak's title was 'Shirades' but they were just pulling the pud instead of saying Charades.(ha ha, bastahd!) The actual title is, 'Guy/Girl'. Anyway,
# 4 20 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the song to the 2004 grand prix comercial where a women is driving the car and she gets and ends up being blind.
Dude I love that song and this is what they tolled me and I think it sucks!
Looks like we're out of luck.
Dear Mr. Lloyd,
Thank you for contacting the Pontiac Customer Assistance Center. We
appreciate you taking the time to write us in regards to our Pontiac
We receive many positive messages from customers regarding the music
that is used in Pontiac commercials as well as requests for where they
may obtain this music. The musical selections in our commercials are
often written exclusively for the commercial. Then they are recorded by
studio musicians as 30-second time spots. The music remains untitled
and is not available for public sale.
We chose the music, which was originally scored for our spots, because
it complements the dramatic film-look of the ads. We describe it as
'dramatic movie score' music. It's instrumental and highlights the emotion
of the driving action without detracting from the visual driving
If you should need to contact us in the future, simply reply to this
message or call our Pontiac Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-762-2737.
Customer Relationship Managers are available Monday through Friday from
8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Eastern Time.
Again, thank you for contacting Pontiac.
Joshua Walter
Customer Relationship Manager
Pontiac Customer Assistance Center
# 5 20 years ago

You are absolutely right in the fact that it is a Bauhaus song. I recognized it the first time I heard it, although a new spin has been put on it for the commercial. I guess the person that did the music for the commercial must be pretty cool! (Me, speaking from living through the Los Angeles 'eighties' underground club scene!)
# 6 20 years ago

They lie.. It's a remix of Southern Sun, A paul Oakenfold song... I have the remix in its whole version.
# 7 20 years ago

Anonymous user
Scent of a Woman! WHO-AH!

# 8 20 years ago

> : does anybody know the name of the song to the 2004 grand prix comercial where a women is driving the car and she gets and ends up being blind.
> Dude I love that song and this is what they tolled me and I think it sucks!
: Looks like we're out of luck.
: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Dear Mr. Lloyd,
> Thank you for contacting the Pontiac Customer Assistance Center. We
: appreciate you taking the time to write us in regards to our Pontiac
: Commercial.
> We receive many positive messages from customers regarding the music
: that is used in Pontiac commercials as well as requests for where they
: may obtain this music. The musical selections in our commercials are
: often written exclusively for the commercial. Then they are recorded by
: studio musicians as 30-second time spots. The music remains untitled
: and is not available for public sale.
> We chose the music, which was originally scored for our spots, because
: it complements the dramatic film-look of the ads. We describe it as
: 'dramatic movie score' music. It's instrumental and highlights the emotion
: of the driving action without detracting from the visual driving
: sequences.
> If you should need to contact us in the future, simply reply to this
: message or call our Pontiac Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-762-2737.
: Customer Relationship Managers are available Monday through Friday from
: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Eastern Time.
> Again, thank you for contacting Pontiac.
> Sincerely,
> Joshua Walter
: Customer Relationship Manager
: Pontiac Customer Assistance Center
>::what about asking the guy if the musicians involved in scoring the commercials had any projects of their own with obtainable music?
# 9 20 years ago

That music is very moving. I would love to hear the entire score.

# 10 20 years ago

dude, that fucking sucks. i want to find that song so bad.
# 11 20 years ago

dude, that sucks balls. i want to find that song so bad.
# 12 20 years ago

> does anybody know the name of the song to the 2004 grand prix comercial where a women is driving the car and she gets and ends up being blind.
i really wish i did, i would also like to know
# 13 20 years ago

whats the name of the remix?
# 14 20 years ago

> : does anybody know the name of the song to the 2004 grand prix comercial where a women is driving the car and she gets and ends up being blind.
: Did you get your answer? I am curious too.
It would be nice if someone could confirm something on this. Obviously many people are curious.
# 15 20 years ago

The Seeker
> They lie.. It's a remix of Southern Sun, A paul Oakenfold song... I have the remix in its whole version.
Fraid not, the email reads the truth. Although, I'm sure Mr. Oakenfold, Mr. Tiesto, and Solar Stone thank you for their support.
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