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honda civic commercial

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# 16 20 years ago

Denizen Kane & Universe Neo - Honda Civic Nation - Can find it on Kazaa easily :)

: does anyone know what song they're using foe the new honda civic commercial, the one with all the suped up cars in it. the lyrics are like ' calling all my children from the north to the south, calling all my children from the east to the west' it's a laid back hip hop song. if u can help me i'd really appreciate it!
> Posted by: ryan on May 25, 2003 01:07 PM

# 17 20 years ago

does anyone know the rap song playing on the honda civic commercial with the rich guy listening to opera and the young guy driving by listening to rap. Thanks!
# 18 19 years ago

> does anyone know what song they're using foe the new honda civic commercial, the one with all the suped up cars in it. the lyrics are like ' calling all my children from the north to the south, calling all my children from the east to the west' it's a laid back hip hop song. if u can help me i'd really appreciate it!
> Posted by: ryan on May 25, 2003 01:07 PM
# 19 19 years ago

> does anyone know what song they're using foe the new honda civic commercial, the one with all the suped up cars in it. the lyrics are like ' calling all my children from the north to the south, calling all my children from the east to the west' it's a laid back hip hop song. if u can help me i'd really appreciate it!
> Posted by: ryan on May 25, 2003 01:07 PM
# 20 19 years ago

> does anyone know what song they're using foe the new honda civic commercial, the one with all the suped up cars in it. the lyrics are like ' calling all my children from the north to the south, calling all my children from the east to the west' it's a laid back hip hop song. if u can help me i'd really appreciate it!
> Posted by: ryan on May 25, 2003 01:07 PM
# 21 18 years ago

> does anyone know what song they're using foe the new honda civic commercial, the one with all the suped up cars in it. the lyrics are like ' calling all my children from the north to the south, calling all my children from the east to the west' it's a laid back hip hop song. if u can help me i'd really appreciate it!
> Posted by: ryan on May 25, 2003 01:07 PM
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