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Michelob commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

What's the song to that michelob commercial where the guy is sitting outside of his apartment and a girl walks by with a case of michelob and she invites him to her apartment and then she puts a tie on the doorknob. It's a spanish song, that's all I know. Please help!
# 2 20 years ago

Its a song by either a group called Si*Se or it could be just the singer from the group named Carol C. working with a DJ. I dont know the name of the song though.. i wanna know myself

# 3 20 years ago

> What's the song to that michelob commercial where the guy is sitting outside of his apartment and a girl walks by with a case of michelob and she invites him to her apartment and then she puts a tie on the doorknob. It's a spanish song, that's all I know. Please help!

# 4 20 years ago

Hey...I did a search for the same song, but I did not know what beer was in the commercial until I stumbled onto here and found that you were looking for the same song. I emailed Michelob with the question and the song's called 'Mariposa-Bonita Fly Mix' by Nickodemus and Osiris. I hope this helps...thanks for yours and knowing what beer did the commercial!

# 5 20 years ago

nikodemus and mariano fet. carol c ( from the group si*se (

> Hey...I did a search for the same song, but I did not know what beer was in the commercial until I stumbled onto here and found that you were looking for the same song. I emailed Michelob with the question and the song's called 'Mariposa-Bonita Fly Mix' by Nickodemus and Osiris. I hope this helps...thanks for yours and knowing what beer did the commercial!
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