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Bailey's Irish Cream commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

sorry if this is going on the board twice. bailey's commercial where the guy walks into a party..the lights go out for a few seconds..someone kisses him..the lights come on and all these pretty girls drinking bailey's give him the 'look'..he can taste the bailey's on his lips so he thinks one of them did it..then a guy gives him the look suggesting HE did it..well the joke is HE DID because if you look closely at 'the kiss' the profile of the person kissing and pulling away IS the guy..please let me know if someone else has seen this. Thanks!

# 2 20 years ago

What i want to know is the name of the song that is playing!!!!!! i really want it
> sorry if this is going on the board twice. bailey's commercial where the guy walks into a party..the lights go out for a few seconds..someone kisses him..the lights come on and all these pretty girls drinking bailey's give him the 'look'..he can taste the bailey's on his lips so he thinks one of them did it..then a guy gives him the look suggesting HE did it..well the joke is HE DID because if you look closely at 'the kiss' the profile of the person kissing and pulling away IS the guy..please let me know if someone else has seen this. Thanks!

# 3 20 years ago

dunno, whether the guy's going in on the other guy, but i know the guy's sister from college and she never mentioned it! anyway, the song is one of these two: Wrestler by Slick Sixty, One thing and another by Tessa LAngmead or The Big Bamboozle by Barry Adamson. not sure whcih as that ad is so old and not showed much so foget the tune
# 4 20 years ago

> dunno, whether the guy's going in on the other guy, but i know the guy's sister from college and she never mentioned it! anyway, the song is one of these two: Wrestler by Slick Sixty, One thing and another by Tessa LAngmead or The Big Bamboozle by Barry Adamson. not sure whcih as that ad is so old and not showed much so foget the tune
IT IS NOT 'THE WRESTLER' BY SLICK SIXTY. The search continues.

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