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# 1 22 years ago

I've noticed that you have added video URL options again when you make a new entry which is amazing and means we can link to clips. Would it be possible to have this option on the 'modify an entry' so we can link entries that exist on the site to their URL's and clips online.
# 2 22 years ago

# 3 22 years ago

1. Abuse - Someone could steal links and use them
2. Abuse - Working links could be corrupted
3. Abuse - Someone could add links for promo etc. and we would have to check them
Please post your opinion!

# 4 22 years ago

> : I've noticed that you have added video URL options again when you make a new entry which is amazing and means we can link to clips. Would it be possible to have this option on the 'modify an entry' so we can link entries that exist on the site to their URL's and clips online.
> We thought about it. 3 reasons we didn't do it till now:
> 1. Abuse - Someone could steal links and use them
: 2. Abuse - Working links could be corrupted
: 3. Abuse - Someone could add links for promo etc. and we would have to check them
> Please post your opinion!
I know its open to abuse but surely its worth it. I think clipland is a rocking site but with the additional delight of streaming clips available it would be unbeatable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# 5 22 years ago

> Exactly
We'll have a test drive...
We opened the URL field. Now you are able to enter/modify URLs and submit the result.
But now it's your turn!
We need your help getting all those URLs and video streams.
Please remember:
-we need the direct links leading to the stream (ending in .mov .mpg .rm .qt .asf ...)
-please remove the starting http:// of those URLs - we need links starting www. or similar
-links to .html are of zero use!
-if you add multiple streams delimit them by '

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