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Bailey's irish cream commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

My wife thiks I'm crazy, but they do a quick brilliant edit in the commercial where the guy at the party and the lights go out you see a woman's face go toward him then the EDIT happens it's then a guy who actually kisses him and the joke at the end is that he thinks the guy who kissed him is just playing a joke on him. Please tell me someone else sees that neat bit of editing.
# 2 20 years ago

Actually if you look closely you can tell they are women's lips. I think you missed the joke. All the people had Bailey's in their havd and it could have been anyone of them and not just the women.

# 3 20 years ago

> Actually if you look closely you can tell they are women's lips. I think you missed the joke. All the people had Bailey's in their havd and it could have been anyone of them and not just the women.
No, it is a GUY'S Face..I didn't focus on the lips, but the WHOLE FACE..I SWEAR it's a guy..please look closely next time it's aired or even record it..if anyone knows how to settle this and I mean like from the company who produced the spot and/or director/writer/etc..I'd be willing to bet some cashola I'm right!

# 4 20 years ago

> Actually if you look closely you can tell they are women's lips. I think you missed the joke. All the people had Bailey's in their havd and it could have been anyone of them and not just the women.
No, it is a GUY'S Face..I didn't focus on the lips, but the WHOLE FACE..I SWEAR it's a guy..please look closely next time it's aired or even record it..if anyone knows how to settle this and I mean like from the company who produced the spot and/or director/writer/etc..I'd be willing to bet some cashola I'm right!
I agree it's a woman moving towards the guy to kiss him..but the kiss itself and the face pulling away(very ingenius editing..if you blink you'll miss it)it's the GUY..

# 5 20 years ago

I want a video clip of that new Bailey's holiday commercial where the chick spills on the table and it says sense of loss. I can't find that commercial anywhere. That chick is really hot. Somebody help me!
# 6 20 years ago

I want a video clip of that new Bailey's holiday commercial where the chick spills on the table and it says sense of loss. I can't find that commercial anywhere. That chick is really hot. Somebody help me!
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