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Honda Civic commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I saw the sweetest Civic commercial and am trying to find it on the net. It starts off with stock civic with a couple of people in it driving around and all of sudden, all of these aftermarket cars start appearing and at the end their must be about 35 to 45 of these driving behind it.
# 2 20 years ago

> I saw the sweetest Civic commercial and am trying to find it on the net. It starts off with stock civic with a couple of people in it driving around and all of sudden, all of these aftermarket cars start appearing and at the end their must be about 35 to 45 of these driving behind it.
# 3 20 years ago

> : I saw the sweetest Civic commercial and am trying to find it on the net. It starts off with stock civic with a couple of people in it driving around and all of sudden, all of these aftermarket cars start appearing and at the end their must be about 35 to 45 of these driving behind it.

Yeah umm what song are they playing in the background of the commercial?

# 4 20 years ago

> I saw the sweetest Civic commercial and am trying to find it on the net. It starts off with stock civic with a couple of people in it driving around and all of sudden, all of these aftermarket cars start appearing and at the end their must be about 35 to 45 of these driving behind it.
I got mine off kazaa lite
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