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please help me find skyy blue vodka surfer music

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# 1 20 years ago

i saw this commercial a little while ago and i love the surfer music in it........if someone can help me find the song please help me im dying to find that song.....the song in the pontiac grand prix commercial with the blind people.......and an older volkswagen commercial where its like a really cool drum beat and he's looking at the car on a turntable and when he looks down and back up at the car its gone........if n e one can help me find one of those songs im desperate!!!!!
# 2 20 years ago

The 'Surfer Song' I think you're referring to is 'Esperanza' by Dick Dale.
I'm trying to figure out the Pontic Commercial, too.
As for the VW commercial, I'm not sure what clip you're referring to. I assume you're not referring to the famous commercial which used Peter DuCharme's 'Jung at Heart,' though, right?
Hope this helps.
> i saw this commercial a little while ago and i love the surfer music in it........if someone can help me find the song please help me im dying to find that song.....the song in the pontiac grand prix commercial with the blind people.......and an older volkswagen commercial where its like a really cool drum beat and he's looking at the car on a turntable and when he looks down and back up at the car its gone........if n e one can help me find one of those songs im desperate!!!!!

# 3 20 years ago

"Esperanza" is definitely the name of this song. You can find it on the album "Tribal Thunder," but it is not the same recording.

I'm trying to find the exact recording that is played on the Skyy Blue Vodka site.

Does anyone have any ideas? I contacted thingy Dale, who forwarded my request to his music department, but no one has gotten back to me for half a year. I really would like this recording for Xmas!


> The 'Surfer Song' I think you're referring to is 'Esperanza' by thingy Dale.
> I'm trying to figure out the Pontic Commercial, too.
> As for the VW commercial, I'm not sure what clip you're referring to. I assume you're not referring to the famous commercial which used Peter DuCharme's 'Jung at Heart,' though, right?
> Hope this helps.
> > i saw this commercial a little while ago and i love the surfer music in it........if someone can help me find the song please help me im dying to find that song.....the song in the pontiac grand prix commercial with the blind people.......and an older volkswagen commercial where its like a really cool drum beat and he's looking at the car on a turntable and when he looks down and back up at the car its gone........if n e one can help me find one of those songs im desperate!!!!!
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