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Mercedes E-Class Commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm wondering if anyone knows the song that's used in the new mercedes e-class commercial that features past to present assembly of the mercedes.
# 2 20 years ago

the track is called 'Time Is On My Side', by Cerys Matthews. It's a cover of the original Rolling Stones song of the same name. But, it's exclusive to the commercial, so you can't d/l it anywhere. If you go to the Mercedes website, you can watch it over and over again though.

# 3 20 years ago

i'd like to know who sang the song on the new mercedes benz commercial
i'm not sure for which class it is, but it is a new commercial
its an old song but re-done by a new group
its called ' i only have eyes for you'
id like to know which group sang it on the commercial

# 4 20 years ago

Did you ever find out who performs this song? I'm DYING to know!!
> i'd like to know who sang the song on the new mercedes benz commercial
> i'm not sure for which class it is, but it is a new commercial
> its an old song but re-done by a new group
> its called ' i only have eyes for you'
> id like to know which group sang it on the commercial

# 5 19 years ago

Hi, do you know what song is playing for the Mercedes 4matic snow day commercial? The kids are excited and jumping on the bed yelling "no school". I love this song who is it? Thanks!
> the track is called 'Time Is On My Side', by Cerys Matthews. It's a cover of the original Rolling Stones song of the same name. But, it's exclusive to the commercial, so you can't d/l it anywhere. If you go to the Mercedes website, you can watch it over and over again though.
# 6 18 years ago

no it not a Cerys Matthews song. maybe youre not thinking of the same commercial. kids yelling, jumping on bed for joy "no school". please what is this rockin song? thanks
> >
# 7 18 years ago


RE: the track is called 'Time Is On My Side', by Cerys Matthews. -

no way is that the song or commercial i'm talking about. i'm talking about a fast paced punk song. help! who sings it, what is it?
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