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Dell Interns

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# 1 20 years ago

J. Rotten
Oh I love those Dell commercials with that dreamy 'brunette' guy. He's like, so cute that my friends and I talk about it every time he's on. And that one where they make, like this intern movie, and he says that he needs more close-ups, I totally agree. And that one where he keeps flickering the's so funny I piss my pants!
F-off you dumb kids. You white-bred, honky, cum dumpsters should be getting scammed by some 40 year old jerking off in a chat room somewhere some day soon...
Stupid asses.

# 2 20 years ago

So when will you be scamming the kids in the chat room? You really should be blocked from this site. It's obvious you have a self-hatred problem big time.

> Oh I love those Dell commercials with that dreamy 'brunette' guy. He's like, so cute that my friends and I talk about it every time he's on. And that one where they make, like this intern movie, and he says that he needs more close-ups, I totally agree. And that one where he keeps flickering the's so funny I piss my pants!
> F-off you dumb kids. You white-bred, honky, cum dumpsters should be getting scammed by some 40 year old jerking off in a chat room somewhere some day soon...
> Stupid asses.

# 3 20 years ago

I hate J. Rotten
what the hell is wrong with you Rotten guy? you're an ass!
# 4 20 years ago

Raging for Rotten
J ROTTEN, something is terribly wrong with you, sweetheart! I think you need to see a psychiatrist. shame on you, please shut up! i agree, you should be blocked from this site! you're a freak! have you just escaped from the mental hospital?
# 5 18 years ago

> Oh I love those Dell commercials with that dreamy 'brunette' guy. He's like, so cute that my friends and I talk about it every time he's on. And that one where they make, like this intern movie, and he says that he needs more close-ups, I totally agree. And that one where he keeps flickering the's so funny I piss my pants!
> F-off you dumb kids. You white-bred, honky, cum dumpsters should be getting scammed by some 40 year old jerking off in a chat room somewhere some day soon...
> Stupid asses.
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