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Diamond commercial

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# 1 22 years ago

Need to know the name of the violin music being played in a commerical about diamonds. Older couple walking in a park slowly and a younger couple
walk passed them, the younger lady looks over her shoulder at the older couple. Can't seem to get that violin music out of my mind.
# 2 22 years ago

That trak is called Palladio!
# 3 22 years ago

> That trak is called Palladio!
Thanks El Cyd 2G, but Palladio is much too fast for the music piece that I'm inquiring about.
# 4 22 years ago

You might wanna go to CDnow and check out the Diamond Music CD(yeah, they actually put one together!) and it has this track which sounds just about right, it's titled Adiemus Variations 1 and was performed by the Smith Qaurtet! If that ain't it, you're just gonna hafta Tivo the commercial!
# 5 22 years ago

> Need to know the name of the violin music being played in a commerical about diamonds. Older couple walking in a park slowly and a younger couple
: walk passed them, the younger lady looks over her shoulder at the older couple. Can't seem to get that violin music out of my mind.
It's by VIVALDI! I don't know the name of the song but you could ask someone in a virgin megastore who works in the classical section.
# 6 21 years ago

I wanna know that song too, I've been looking for it for a while now. thanks

# 7 19 years ago

If you watch a foreign movie (HongKong) called "In the Mood for Love" you would find the original tune. The commercial just coppied it.
# 8 19 years ago

I have been searching for the music source to that commercial as well. I heard that it might be Albinoni but the albums I have listened to so far don't sound the same.
If you find out what it is please let me know - it is so exquisite!
# 9 18 years ago

> Need to know the name of the violin music being played in a commerical about diamonds. Older couple walking in a park slowly and a younger couple
> walk passed them, the younger lady looks over her shoulder at the older couple. Can't seem to get that violin music out of my mind.
# 10 18 years ago

> > Need to know the name of the violin music being played in a commerical about diamonds. Older couple walking in a park slowly and a younger couple
> > walk passed them, the younger lady looks over her shoulder at the older couple. Can't seem to get that violin music out of my mind.
> >
> Yumeji's Theme by Umebayashi Shigeru
You can find it on the soundtrack, "In The Mood For Love" Check it out on

# 11 18 years ago

> Need to know the name of the violin music being played in a commerical about diamonds. Older couple walking in a park slowly and a younger couple
> walk passed them, the younger lady looks over her shoulder at the older couple. Can't seem to get that violin music out of my mind.
# 12 18 years ago

> Need to know the name of the violin music being played in a commerical about diamonds. Older couple walking in a park slowly and a younger couple
> walk passed them, the younger lady looks over her shoulder at the older couple. Can't seem to get that violin music out of my mind.
# 13 18 years ago

> > That trak is called Palladio!
> Thanks El Cyd 2G, but Palladio is much too fast for the music piece that I'm inquiring about.
oh dear. how about cantus ineaqualus?
# 14 18 years ago

> I have been searching for the music source to that commercial as well. I heard that it might be Albinoni but the albums I have listened to so far don't sound the same.
> If you find out what it is please let me know - it is so exquisite!

I don't know the name of the artist but I believe it is called "preludio" only problem is that that's not uncommon. Glendora Youth Symphony Orchestra (Glendora CA) recorded it a year ago. Want a copy of theirs...send me a snail mail address.

# 15 18 years ago

> > Need to know the name of the violin music being played in a commerical about diamonds. Older couple walking in a park slowly and a younger couple
> > walk passed them, the younger lady looks over her shoulder at the older couple. Can't seem to get that violin music out of my mind.
> >
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