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Vh1 commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know the song thats on the new VH1 commercial? It's... a montage, and there are randomly words that show up on the screen. Thanks.
# 2 20 years ago

The group is Fischerspooner the name of the song is Emerge. I hope this helps. It's a sweet song..
# 3 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the song thats on the new VH1 commercial? It's... a montage, and there are randomly words that show up on the screen. Thanks.
---There are two different montage spots. One features the song 'Emerge' by Fischerspooner (though it's remix, not the album version) and one features the song 'Starry Eye Surprise' by Paul Oakenfold with Shifty Shellshock of Crazy Town on vocals. To tell them apart, Emerge features vocals by a male and female, while Starry Eye Surprise is just male vocals.
# 4 20 years ago

It's Garbage - Cherry Lips
# 5 20 years ago

i know one of the montages was done to a song by Garbage called Cherry Lips
# 6 19 years ago

what is that song on that new vh1 commercial with all the new videos. It sounds like it is can you feel it. if you could tell me the band song that would be cool.
# 7 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the song thats on the new VH1 commercial? It's... a montage, and there are randomly words that show up on the screen. Thanks.
> ---There are two different montage spots. One features the song 'Emerge' by Fischersthingyer (though it's remix, not the album version) and one features the song 'Starry Eye Surprise' by Paul Oakenfold with Shifty Shellshock of Crazy Town on vocals. To tell them apart, Emerge features vocals by a male and female, while Starry Eye Surprise is just male vocals.
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