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Pearl Jam - Jeremy

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# 1 20 years ago

Hey there, i am doing an assignment on a music video where i have chosen Pearl Jam's Jeremy. I have to write about the themes and ideology through out the video. If anyone has any idea where i could find this information, or if anyone would like to give me a few tips please tell..
i have also chosen either one of these for my other film clip to review:
Jack Johnson - The Horizons have been defeated.
White Stripes - 7 nation army
Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the wall.
# 2 20 years ago

How about:
# 3 20 years ago

> Hey there, i am doing an assignment on a music video where i have chosen Pearl Jam's Jeremy. I have to write about the themes and ideology through out the video. If anyone has any idea where i could find this information, or if anyone would like to give me a few tips please tell..
: i have also chosen either one of these for my other film clip to review:
: Jack Johnson - The Horizons have been defeated.
: White Stripes - 7 nation army
: Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the wall.
Well I don't think it sucked, so i'll represent the opposing viewpoint..
If you want to know about the meaning of the video..just read the lyrics, its all there, the song was written before pearl jam was pearl jam, eddie wasn't even a member when the song was written, it was part of the demo that eddie got from jeff, stone and mike by way of jack irons, Ed heard the demos, wrote lyrics and sent it back and the rest is can try pearl jams home page....but really everything you need to know about the meaning of the song is all in the lyrics...

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