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Atlantis resort commercial?

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know the music from the Atlantis resort commercial? It sounds new age-ish -- somewhat like 'deep forest.' I have seen it primarily on CNN, and it features a shot with the camera skimming above the water, then pans up to reveal the Atlantis hotel. A longer version of that same commercial contains a girl sitting on the stoop of a house catching a rain drop. If any of you know this song, it would be great of you to share! Thanks.
# 2 20 years ago

GooniePirate -
Did you get any responses to your inquiry about the Atlantis resort commercial music? I'm looking for the same thing and didn't see any follow ups on the board so I thought I'd check and see if anyone had emailed you a response.
# 3 20 years ago

No, I'm afraid not Jenni. If someone does let me know, via e-mail or If I find out on my own, I'll be sure to post the song's name and/or the artist on here. Regards, Mark.
# 4 20 years ago

I've got some bad news. The music was composed specifically for Atlantis' use by Jonathan Elias. The music is not available for purchase but if you are interested in the composer, he has a CD out now entitled Prayer Cycle. You can also visit his site at
Regards, Mark.
# 5 20 years ago

I talk to much I swear...BUT, if you want a song that sounds similar, there is a song called 'Adiemus' by a group of the same name. OK thats all. bye bye -- Mark. 8^)
# 6 19 years ago

: I don't know if you got my previous message or not. My internet link dropped and I think my message never got through. I have a possible copy of the Atlantis Resort commercial music. The only problem is it is on a video tape. I taped it while taping a another show. That music intrigues me. I fell in love with it when I first heard it. It's kind of like the music on the Sea World commercial. It fascinates a person. I might be able to create a copy by using the microphone on my computer to make a 'wav file' on 'sound recorder'. I don't have the technology to make a better file. I have to first connect the VCR to the TV in my computer room which presently has only been used for the Nintendo 64, on which I play only one game, 'Goldeneye' a 'James Bond, 007' game. But it does get terrific sound. The only difficulty with this is the timing of the recording. I continuously tape things off of the TV in the family room and the one in my computer room doesn't have cable . But I know I can fit this project in. Bye.
# 7 20 years ago

Everyone should be able to get a hold of this file. I will work on finding the complete version and making a copy. Hope to hear from someone. Bye.
# 8 20 years ago

That's should be enough for now. Bye.

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