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New DATA STORAGE commercial (Guys Getting Knocked Out)

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# 1 22 years ago

I'm just chatting with some of my co-workers about what the name of the company is that has a new commercial where there are two guys walking with an exec to a meeting, and the first guy gets knocked out, then the second guy just before the meeting, and the exec doesn't know any of the information that's supposed to be presented. It's an ad for data storage back-ups and it's really a funny commercial. As far as product recognition goes though, it's obviously not that great since I can't remember it. I think the ad is actually an ad for a smaller subsidiary of a larger company, but that's about all I know. Somebody please help if they have the answer. Thank you.
# 2 22 years ago

I saw the same commercial on CNN recently & am dying to download it because what can I say, nothing beats good slapstick. Can anyone remember the company? Has anyone found this?

# 3 22 years ago

The name of the company is Computer Associates ( The product is BrightStor (
> I'm just chatting with some of my co-workers about what the name of the company is that has a new commercial where there are two guys walking with an exec to a meeting, and the first guy gets knocked out, then the second guy just before the meeting, and the exec doesn't know any of the information that's supposed to be presented. It's an ad for data storage back-ups and it's really a funny commercial. As far as product recognition goes though, it's obviously not that great since I can't remember it. I think the ad is actually an ad for a smaller subsidiary of a larger company, but that's about all I know. Somebody please help if they have the answer. Thank you.

# 4 21 years ago

OMG! Me and like 10 of my friends have been looking for the same damn commercial. Just like you said... funny ass commercial but horrible product recognition. I'll keep lookin....if you find out please post. Thanks
# 5 20 years ago

I looked forever for the same commercial - finally found it, enjoy.
Its for Commputer Associates:

> I'm just chatting with some of my co-workers about what the name of the company is that has a new commercial where there are two guys walking with an exec to a meeting, and the first guy gets knocked out, then the second guy just before the meeting, and the exec doesn't know any of the information that's supposed to be presented. It's an ad for data storage back-ups and it's really a funny commercial. As far as product recognition goes though, it's obviously not that great since I can't remember it. I think the ad is actually an ad for a smaller subsidiary of a larger company, but that's about all I know. Somebody please help if they have the answer. Thank you.

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