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mentos sheep riding choppers

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# 16 20 years ago

A funky lil band called Clinic. All of their stuff is this deranged.
# 17 20 years ago

The song is 'D.P.' by 'Clinic' from the album 'three ep's'
# 18 20 years ago

i found the song:
clinic - D.P.

# 19 20 years ago

the band is Clinic and the song is called D.P.

# 20 20 years ago

clinic - d.p.
# 21 20 years ago

Dear Bobby,

Thank you for your recent email. The title of the song is 'D.P.' and the group is the 'CLINIC'.

Click on the link below to hear the commercial.


Customer Relations Department
Perfetti VanMelle, USA

> Hey.. does anyone know what the band or song title that is used in the new mentos commercial. It's the commercial where the shepherd eats a mentos then it cut's to the sheep riding on lawnmowers that look like choppers...

# 22 20 years ago

it's 'd.p.' by 'clinic'.
# 23 20 years ago

The name of the song is D.P. and the artist is Clinic.

# 24 20 years ago

> Hey.. does anyone know what the band or song title that is used in the new mentos commercial. It's the commercial where the shepherd eats a mentos then it cut's to the sheep riding on lawnmowers that look like choppers...
Don't know the name but here is a link to the song
# 25 20 years ago

# 26 20 years ago

Here's someone who found it
The band is Clinic (French?)

# 27 20 years ago

> Hey.. does anyone know what the band or song title that is used in the new mentos commercial. It's the commercial where the shepherd eats a mentos then it cut's to the sheep riding on lawnmowers that look like choppers...
> the song is called D.P. by Clinic. It's kind of a lame ass song...
# 28 20 years ago

> Hey.. does anyone know what the band or song title that is used in the new mentos commercial. It's the commercial where the shepherd eats a mentos then it cut's to the sheep riding on lawnmowers that look like choppers...
> the song is called D.P. by Clinic. It's kind of a lame ass song...
# 29 19 years ago

> > Hey.. does anyone know what the band or song title that is used in the new mentos commercial. It's the commercial where the shepherd eats a mentos then it cut's to the sheep riding on lawnmowers that look like choppers...
> > the song is called D.P. by Clinic. It's kind of a lame ass song...
# 30 19 years ago

> Hey.. does anyone know what the band or song title that is used in the new mentos commercial. It's the commercial where the shepherd eats a mentos then it cut's to the sheep riding on lawnmowers that look like choppers...
> Yes i know D.P. - Clinic
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