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Chevrolet commercial

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# 1 22 years ago

What's the song in the Chevrolet commercials?
# 2 22 years ago

Geoff, the trak is called Vehice(original, innit?)
and the band is of course, Ides Of March

# 3 20 years ago

> What's the song in the Chevrolet commercials?
> shania twain
# 4 20 years ago

What's the "lyrics" to the inspirational words in that other Chevy commercial?
# 5 20 years ago

> What's the song in the Chevrolet commercials?............. I am a Woman is the song sung by one guy sitting in the middle of the back-seat of a Chev Truck......It is SOOOOOOOOOOO funny and I STOP what I am doing and just STARE at it and did GOOD on this's so great!!!
I love Chevrolet Trucks........Just want to let you know that this commercial is a GREAT one.........making me laugh NOW writing about it !!! Carol Wallis - 3/22/04 10 pm
# 6 20 years ago

> What's the song in the Chevrolet commercials?............. I am a Woman is the song sung by one guy sitting in the middle of the back-seat of a Chev Truck......It is SOOOOOOOOOOO funny and I STOP what I am doing and just STARE at it and did GOOD on this's so great!!!
I love Chevrolet Trucks........Just want to let you know that this commercial is a GREAT one.........making me laugh NOW writing about it !!! Carol Wallis - 3/22/04 10 pm
# 7 20 years ago

> What's the song in the Chevrolet commercials?............. I am a Woman is the song sung by one guy sitting in the middle of the back-seat of a Chev Truck......It is SOOOOOOOOOOO funny and I STOP what I am doing and just STARE at it and did GOOD on this's so great!!!
I love Chevrolet Trucks........Just want to let you know that this commercial is a GREAT one.........making me laugh NOW writing about it !!! Carol Wallis - 3/22/04 10 pm
# 8 20 years ago

> What's the song in the Chevrolet commercials?
# 9 19 years ago

> > What's the song in the recent Chevrolet commercials?
> >
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