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Dove commercial from a while back

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# 1 20 years ago

hey everyone, there was this commercial for a Dove cleansing product I saw about a year or so ago, where this finger would come and press this yellow pad and leave a green fingerprint. Then it'd cut to more scenes of the same thing, only the finger would dip in something first, then press the pad, and leave the same green print. This cool rushing piano-y heavy drums song was playing all through this, and when the finger goes to dip in the Dove, the song gets all quiet as it presses and doesn't leave a green fingerprint. Then after that it gets all heavy on drums and piano again. Does anyone know the name of the song that's playing in that commercial?

# 2 20 years ago

I've been looking for that song for a long
time now, and I ended up e-mailing them
about it. Here is the reply:

Thanks for writing!

The song is Dove Bar "Difference" (once called "Period"
in Canada)
-Music Production Co: JSM (New York).

Thanks for your interest!

Your friends at Dove
# 3 18 years ago

> hey everyone, there was this commercial for a Dove cleansing product I saw about a year or so ago, where this finger would come and press this yellow pad and leave a green fingerprint. Then it'd cut to more scenes of the same thing, only the finger would dip in something first, then press the pad, and leave the same green print. This cool rushing piano-y heavy drums song was playing all through this, and when the finger goes to dip in the Dove, the song gets all quiet as it presses and doesn't leave a green fingerprint. Then after that it gets all heavy on drums and piano again. Does anyone know the name of the song that's playing in that commercial?
# 4 18 years ago

hey, i'm looking for the commercial of Dove were they were making use of "real" women. A commercial not made by models but by women with real brests and bud.
Can you help me please?

Thank you
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