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New Nike Spot - Music, HELP!

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# 1 21 years ago

Anyone see the new Nike spot? I saw it today for the first time while watching the Wizards-Bulls game. It's a montage of sports clips with the word 'Just' always appearing next to the players. Finally, at the end of the commercial, they add the 'Do It' and then the trademark Nike Swoosh. The MUSIC WAS AWESOME!!! Anyone know what it is?
# 2 22 years ago

That was Groove Armada and they performed a remixed version of My Friend!
# 3 22 years ago

Dude, You so rule.
# 4 22 years ago

The music in the Nike commercial is an original piece by composer and sound designer Jeff Elmassian. The track is entitled 'Elias' and is not yet commercially available

# 5 20 years ago

> Anyone see the new Nike spot? I saw it today for the first time while watching the Wizards-Bulls game. It's a montage of sports clips with the word 'Just' always appearing next to the players. Finally, at the end of the commercial, they add the 'Do It' and then the trademark Nike Swoosh. The MUSIC WAS AWESOME!!! Anyone know what it is?
# 6 20 years ago

> Anyone see the new Nike spot? I saw it today for the first time while watching the Wizards-Bulls game. It's a montage of sports clips with the word 'Just' always appearing next to the players. Finally, at the end of the commercial, they add the 'Do It' and then the trademark Nike Swoosh. The MUSIC WAS AWESOME!!! Anyone know what it is?
# 7 20 years ago

> Anyone see the new Nike spot? I saw it today for the first time while watching the Wizards-Bulls game. It's a montage of sports clips with the word 'Just' always appearing next to the players. Finally, at the end of the commercial, they add the 'Do It' and then the trademark Nike Swoosh. The MUSIC WAS AWESOME!!! Anyone know what it is?
# 8 19 years ago

> Anyone see the new Nike spot? I saw it today for the first time while watching the Wizards-Bulls game. It's a montage of sports clips with the word 'Just' always appearing next to the players. Finally, at the end of the commercial, they add the 'Do It' and then the trademark Nike Swoosh. The MUSIC WAS AWESOME!!! Anyone know what it is?
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