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Coors Light Techno (No, not "Because we CAN CAN CAN") - Possibly also used in car commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

I'm looking for a song used in a Coors Light Rocky Mountain commercial
I happened to hear the song tonight, April 22, while watching Just Shoot Me on NBC from 8 - 9 pm eastern, if that helps at all.
Its a techno/electronica song with no sampled words or human voices, at least not in the clip I heard.
Okay, here's the thing. I'm pretty sure it was also used in a car commercial that aired a few months back. I can't remember the make or model of the car... it was some sort of sedan, maybe foureign, not really sure. The car commercial had no dialogue, and the only sound was the same techno/electronica song. The commercial ended with a man driving the car to a church and busting in on a wedding, presumably showing the woman he loved about to marry another man. (Very cinematic.) This all sounds a bit random, I know.
Please help me with any info you know.
I'll try to check the boards, but I'd appreciate a direct answer through email.
My address:
# 2 21 years ago

Ganja Munkie
hey there,
im pretty sure i knwo what ur talkign was a Volkswagon Jetta commerical i think...
the song is called 'One Million Miles Away' by J Ralph
hope this helps.
> I'm looking for a song used in a Coors Light Rocky Mountain commercial
> I happened to hear the song tonight, April 22, while watching Just Shoot Me on NBC from 8 - 9 pm eastern, if that helps at all.
> Its a techno/electronica song with no sampled words or human voices, at least not in the clip I heard.
> Okay, here's the thing. I'm pretty sure it was also used in a car commercial that aired a few months back. I can't remember the make or model of the car... it was some sort of sedan, maybe foureign, not really sure. The car commercial had no dialogue, and the only sound was the same techno/electronica song. The commercial ended with a man driving the car to a church and busting in on a wedding, presumably showing the woman he loved about to marry another man. (Very cinematic.) This all sounds a bit random, I know.
> Please help me with any info you know.
> I'll try to check the boards, but I'd appreciate a direct answer through email.
> My address:

# 3 20 years ago

i know what you're talking about. the artist is 'fatboy slim' and the name of the song is, 'right here, right now.' not the jesus jones song, but the fatboy slim song. trust me.
the song was used in the recent coors commercial and was also used in an oldsmobile commercial and a new york stock exchange commercial. popular techno beat for commercials.
# 4 20 years ago's not 'because we can' by fatboy slim.....
I think your the only other person on the planet besides me who knows this song even's in the movie 'Driven', but not on the soundtrack, and is also played in the trailer for the movie 'the virgin suicides'
no words, just techno, with what sounds like violins.....been looking for this song for 2 years...still can't find it!!!!
and is now on the newest Coors light commercial

# 5 20 years ago

anyone know where I can find the coors light commercial song for here's to summer? I have downloaded the 1st one - heres the long songs thats like, 'I love football on tv/shots of gena lee/hanging with my friends/and twins....' The other one goes something like, 'I love working on my tan/that girl at the taco stand/long weekends/and twins...' Anybody know anything else/more about it????
# 6 20 years ago

> anyone know where I can find the coors light commercial song for here's to summer? I have downloaded the 1st one - heres the long songs thats like, 'I love football on tv/shots of gena lee/hanging with my friends/and twins....' The other one goes something like, 'I love working on my tan/that girl at the taco stand/long weekends/and twins...' Anybody know anything else/more about it????
> I love playing two hand touch/eating way too much/watching my team win/ with the twins/... I love quarter backs eating dirt/ pom-poms and short skirts/ fans who won't quit/ and thoses twins/... here's the beginning of week 13;.. I love the return of Micheal Vick/ Marshall moving quick/ And Lewis with a pick....
# 7 20 years ago

> anyone know where I can find the coors light commercial song for here's to summer? I have downloaded the 1st one - heres the long songs thats like, 'I love football on tv/shots of gena lee/hanging with my friends/and twins....' The other one goes something like, 'I love working on my tan/that girl at the taco stand/long weekends/and twins...' Anybody know anything else/more about it????
> I love playing two hand touch/eating way too much/watching my team win/ with the twins/... I love quarter backs eating dirt/ pom-poms and short skirts/ fans who won't quit/ and thoses twins/... here's the beginning of week 13;.. I love the return of Micheal Vick/ Marshall moving quick/ And Lewis with a pick....
# 8 20 years ago

>'s not 'because we can' by fatboy slim.....
> I think your the only other person on the planet besides me who knows this song even's in the movie 'Driven', but not on the soundtrack, and is also played in the trailer for the movie 'the virgin suicides'
> no words, just techno, with what sounds like violins.....been looking for this song for 2 years...still can't find it!!!!
> and is now on the newest Coors light commercial

Dude, what are you talking about? Were you replying to the dude before you that said the name of the song was Right Here, Right Now by Fatboy Slim? He didn't say it was "Because We Can" by Fatboy Slim, he said it wasn't and then gave the correct name. The other dude was right, the song is "Right Here, Right Now" You've been looking for the song for 2 years and completely ignored the guy telling you flat out what the song was. No wonder it has taken you 2 years. Open eyes.
# 9 19 years ago

there is another song but the only words are can can can in some kind of weird beat
# 10 19 years ago

> > anyone know where I can find the coors light commercial song for here's to summer? I have downloaded the 1st one - heres the long songs thats like, 'I love football on tv/shots of gena lee/hanging with my friends/and twins....' The other one goes something like, 'I love working on my tan/that girl at the taco stand/long weekends/and twins...' Anybody know anything else/more about it????
> > I love playing two hand touch/eating way too much/watching my team win/ with the twins/... I love quarter backs eating dirt/ pom-poms and short skirts/ fans who won't quit/ and thoses twins/... here's the beginning of week 13;.. I love the return of Micheal Vick/ Marshall moving quick/ And Lewis with a pick....
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