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try to find the artist and the cd.

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# 1 21 years ago

can you tell me who is that artist sing the wheel goes round and rouund . from that commerical bridgestone i just wondering i been want to find that artist. and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name?
# 2 21 years ago

> can you tell me who is that artist sing the wheel goes round and rouund . from that commerical bridgestone i just wondering i been want to find that artist. and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name?
i know it is old song back in the 90's it's a lady name rosanne cash she is the one who sing the old vesion can. somebody tell me who is the artist please not the old vesion the new vesion from the wheel goes round and round it sound like it is a man who sing that commerical the wheel goes round and rouund bridgestone commerical and also can you tell me where can i buy this song at and can you tell me the artist cd album year.

# 3 21 years ago

kathy stinks
no. you ask too much

>> can you tell me who is that artist sing the wheel goes round and rouund . from that commerical bridgestone i just wondering i been want to find that artist. and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name?
: i know it is old song back in the 90's it's a lady name rosanne cash she is the one who sing the old vesion can. somebody tell me who is the artist please not the old vesion the new vesion from the wheel goes round and round it sound like it is a man who sing that commerical the wheel goes round and rouund bridgestone commerical and also can you tell me where can i buy this song at and can you tell me the artist cd album year.

# 4 21 years ago

plus, you spell and talk and write like a fucking 6 year old.

> no. you ask too much

:> : can you tell me who is that artist sing the wheel goes round and rouund . from that commerical bridgestone i just wondering i been want to find that artist. and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name?
:> i know it is old song back in the 90's it's a lady name rosanne cash she is the one who sing the old vesion can. somebody tell me who is the artist please not the old vesion the new vesion from the wheel goes round and round it sound like it is a man who sing that commerical the wheel goes round and rouund bridgestone commerical and also can you tell me where can i buy this song at and can you tell me the artist cd album year.

# 5 20 years ago

> : can you tell me who is that artist sing the wheel goes round and rouund . from that commerical bridgestone i just wondering i been want to find that artist. and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name?
: i know it is old song back in the 90's it's a lady name rosanne cash she is the one who sing the old version can. somebody tell me who is the artist please not the old vesion the new version from the wheel goes round and round it sound like it is a man who sing that commerical the wheel goes round and rouund bridgestone commerical and also can you tell me where can i buy this song at and can you tell me the artist cd album year.

# 6 20 years ago

john q taxpayer

:> : can you tell me who is that artist sing the wheel goes round and rouund . from that commerical bridgestone i just wondering i been want to find that artist. and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name?
:> i know it is old song back in the 90's it's a lady name rosanne cash she is the one who sing the old vesion can. somebody tell me who is the artist please not the old vesion the new vesion from the wheel goes round and round it sound like it is a man who sing that commerical the wheel goes round and rouund bridgestone commerical and also can you tell me where can i buy this song at and can you tell me the artist cd album year.

# 7 20 years ago

> plus, you spell and talk and write like a fucking 6 year old.

:> no. you ask too much
:> :> can you tell me who is that artist sing the wheel goes round and rouund . from that commerical bridgestone i just wondering i been want to find that artist. and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name?
:> : i know it is old song back in the 90's it's a lady name rosanne cash she is the one who sing the old vesion can. somebody tell me who is the artist please not the old vesion the new vesion from the wheel goes round and round it sound like it is a man who sing that commerical the wheel goes round and rouund bridgestone commerical and also can you tell me where can i buy this song at and can you tell me the artist cd album year.

# 8 20 years ago


: plus, you spell and talk and write like a fucking 6 year old.

:> no. you ask too much
:> :> can you tell me who is that artist sing the wheel goes round and rouund . from that commerical bridgestone i just wondering i been want to find that artist. and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name?
:> : i know it is old song back in the 90's it's a lady name rosanne cash she is the one who sing the old vesion can. somebody tell me who is the artist please not the old vesion the new vesion from the wheel goes round and round it sound like it is a man who sing that commerical the wheel goes round and rouund bridgestone commerical and also can you tell me where can i buy this song at and can you tell me the artist cd album year.

# 9 20 years ago

> can you tell me who is that artist and the title of the song...i dunno what the title of the song is or what artist sings it.......All i know is that some lyrics in this song go--it's okay it's okay it's okay....and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name and the title of the song?
# 10 19 years ago

heh... you really really do sound like a f**king retard. i mean... 6 year old. retarded 6 year old.

> > plus, you spell and talk and write like a f**king 6 year old.
> :> no. you ask too much
> >
> :> :> can you tell me who is that artist sing the wheel goes round and rouund . from that commerical bridgestone i just wondering i been want to find that artist. and i been going to different websites to try to find that song can somebody help me please. can you tell me the artist name?
> :> : i know it is old song back in the 90's it's a lady name rosanne cash she is the one who sing the old vesion can. somebody tell me who is the artist please not the old vesion the new vesion from the wheel goes round and round it sound like it is a man who sing that commerical the wheel goes round and rouund bridgestone commerical and also can you tell me where can i buy this song at and can you tell me the artist cd album year.
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