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what's the song in the 'whatever it takes' trailer???

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# 1 22 years ago

hey guys. could somebody pls help me out. i've been looking for this song that's playing in the trailer for the movie 'whatever it takes', but i can't seem to find it. it's not on the soundtrack either and to top it all off, i have no idea what's the title of the song is or who sings it. but i do know how it goes goes something like 'i can be myself/how bout you?' or something like that. it's kind alike a slow, nice alternative kinda tune. so if anybody could help me out on this one, i'd really appreciate it. thanx!
# 2 22 years ago

I haven't seen the trailer, so neither heard the song, but if that line you quote is right, then it could be Fire Escape from Fastball. The refrain is going like that. Chech it out, maybe I guessed right.
> hey guys. could somebody pls help me out. i've been looking for this song that's playing in the trailer for the movie 'whatever it takes', but i can't seem to find it. it's not on the soundtrack either and to top it all off, i have no idea what's the title of the song is or who sings it. but i do know how it goes goes something like 'i can be myself/how bout you?' or something like that. it's kind alike a slow, nice alternative kinda tune. so if anybody could help me out on this one, i'd really appreciate it. thanx!
> -dani

# 3 21 years ago

I have heard a song in the radio with the hookline 'if I could be like that'
From who is that song? And what is it`s real name??????????
# 4 20 years ago

> hey well i found that song it is called CHARM ATTACK!
# 5 19 years ago

> hey guys. could somebody pls help me out. i've been looking for this song that's playing in the trailer for the movie 'whatever it takes', but i can't seem to find it. it's not on the soundtrack either and to top it all off, i have no idea what's the title of the song is or who sings it. but i do know how it goes goes something like 'i can be myself/how bout you?' or something like that. it's kind alike a slow, nice alternative kinda tune. so if anybody could help me out on this one, i'd really appreciate it. thanx!
> -dani
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