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Music from new Lenscrafters commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

Does anyone out there know the upbeat/dance music that plays in the background of the new Lenscrafters commercial? I thought it sounded familiar but I can't place it. Any help is appreciated.

# 2 18 years ago

Yeah, it's really catchy, I like it. I've scanned Google and can't find the answer anywhere. It's kinda starting to piss me off. Let me know if you hear anything.
# 3 18 years ago

> Yeah, it's really catchy, I like it. I've scanned Google and can't find the answer anywhere. It's kinda starting to piss me off. Let me know if you hear anything.

im lookin also for this song, if i find n e thing ill let you know also, if you find it out email me ty
# 4 18 years ago

> Does anyone out there know the upbeat/dance music that plays in the background of the new Lenscrafters commercial? I thought it sounded familiar but I can't place it. Any help is appreciated.
> ~Thanks
# 5 18 years ago

> > Does anyone out there know the upbeat/dance music that plays in the background of the new Lenscrafters commercial? I thought it sounded familiar but I can't place it. Any help is appreciated.
> >
> > ~Thanks
# 6 18 years ago

> Does anyone out there know the upbeat/dance music that plays in the background of the new Lenscrafters commercial? I thought it sounded familiar but I can't place it. Any help is appreciated.
> ~Thanks
# 7 18 years ago
Some info there.
# 8 18 years ago

Try calling a Lenscrafters store. I'm sure they could help you in finding the name of the song. You shoud do it asap, commercials don't last very long.
# 9 18 years ago

> > Yeah, it's really catchy, I like it. I've scanned Google and can't find the answer anywhere. It's kinda starting to piss me off. Let me know if you hear anything.
> ]
> im lookin also for this song, if i find n e thing ill let you know also, if you find it out email me ty

# 10 18 years ago

I would like to know too, it cracks me up every time I hear it. Reminds me of something from the movie "A Night at the Roxbury", which I have never seen, but I remember the skits on SNL that the movie was based on.

> Does anyone out there know the upbeat/dance music that plays in the background of the new Lenscrafters commercial? I thought it sounded familiar but I can't place it. Any help is appreciated.
> ~Thanks
# 11 18 years ago

I found it (I just left the previous post about this music sounding like something from the old SNL skit). It's a commissioned piece of music by someone (group?) called "Human Factor".

Here's a link to the commercial with credits:

Best I can do on short notice...

> I would like to know too, it cracks me up every time I hear it. Reminds me of something from the movie "A Night at the Roxbury", which I have never seen, but I remember the skits on SNL that the movie was based on.
> > Does anyone out there know the upbeat/dance music that plays in the background of the new Lenscrafters commercial? I thought it sounded familiar but I can't place it. Any help is appreciated.
> >
> > ~Thanks
# 12 18 years ago

It is by

Human Factors

maybe a custom job for Lenscraters??

> Does anyone out there know the upbeat/dance music that plays in the background of the new Lenscrafters commercial? I thought it sounded familiar but I can't place it. Any help is appreciated.
> ~Thanks
# 13 18 years ago

d**nIT! I was just looking for this, if anyone can find it, id greatly appreciate it if you emailed it to me... I may be back later with answers, I just emailed the fine people at LensCrafters reguarding the commercials ^_^

# 14 18 years ago

> > Yeah, it's really catchy, I like it. I've scanned Google and can't find the answer anywhere. It's kinda starting to piss me off. Let me know if you hear anything.
> ]
> im lookin also for this song, if i find n e thing ill let you know also, if you find it out email me ty

... the song was made by a third party org, specially for the lenscrafters commercial... T.T
# 15 18 years ago

Hey, I emailed the company... this is what they said...

"We are pleased to hear you have enjoyed our latest commercial. This
particular music selection was specifically created by a third party
company for use in our commercial. It is not available for consumer
and therefore we do not have a song title/artist to provide for you."

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