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Celine Dion's Chrysler commercial song

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# 1 21 years ago

Can anyone PLLLLLLLEASE tell me the title of one of the Chrysler commercials, where Celine is with her son?? that ballad is beautiful and I really want to download it so please e-mail me with the title!! put on the subject 'Celine's Chrysler commercial'. Thanks for the help!!! =D
# 2 21 years ago

> Can anyone PLLLLLLLEASE tell me the title of one of the Chrysler commercials, where Celine is with her son?? that ballad is beautiful and I really want to download it so please e-mail me with the title!! put on the subject 'Celine's Chrysler commercial'. Thanks for the help!!! =D
---I believe it's 'Have You Ever Been in Love.' If it's not that particular song, you should check out her website or a music website as all the songs in the commercials are on her new album 'One Heart.'
# 3 20 years ago

> Can anyone PLLLLLLLEASE tell me the title of one of the Chrysler commercials, where Celine is with her son?? that ballad is beautiful and I really want to download it so please e-mail me with the title!! put on the subject 'Celine's Chrysler commercial'. Thanks for the help!!! =D

Yes !!! i love that song too :) i just downloaded it..its called 'i drove all night' make sure to get the album version if you want the exact one from the commercial..:)

# 4 20 years ago

> Can anyone PLLLLLLLEASE tell me the title of one of the Chrysler commercials, where Celine is with her son?? that ballad is beautiful and I really want to download it so please e-mail me with the title!! put on the subject 'Celine's Chrysler commercial'. Thanks for the help!!! =D
that's an old cindi lauper song that she sang in the late 80's celine remade her song. cindi's song was called, 'i drove all night' or 'drove all night.' i would imagine that celine calls it the same.
# 5 20 years ago

> Can anyone PLLLLLLLEASE tell me the title of one of the Chrysler commercials, where Celine is with her son?? that ballad is beautiful and I really want to download it so please e-mail me with the title!! put on the subject 'Celine's Chrysler commercial'. Thanks for the help!!! =D
# 6 19 years ago

> > Can anyone PLLLLLLLEASE tell me the title of one of the Chrysler commercials, where Celine is with her son?? that ballad is beautiful and I really want to download it so please e-mail me with the title!! put on the subject 'Celine's Chrysler commercial'. Thanks for the help!!! =D
> ---I believe it's 'Have You Ever Been in Love.' If it's not that particular song, you should check out her website or a music website as all the songs in the commercials are on her new album 'One Heart.'
# 7 19 years ago

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