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# 1 21 years ago

I'm looking for the song at the end of the new smallville this week of april 15th. The chorus was 'Meet me on the other side. I see you on the otherside' The episode Clark meeting a kid who could be from another planet. If you have any info, please email me. Thanks.
# 2 21 years ago

> I'm looking for the song at the end of the new smallville this week of april 15th. The chorus was 'Meet me on the other side. I see you on the otherside' The episode Clark meeting a kid who could be from another planet. If you have any info, please email me. Thanks.

# 3 20 years ago

go to
It's the other side by David Gray

: I'm looking for the song at the end of the new smallville this week of april 15th. The chorus was 'Meet me on the other side. I see you on the otherside' The episode Clark meeting a kid who could be from another planet. If you have any info, please email me. Thanks.

# 4 20 years ago

'david grey- the other side',
took a while to find
# 5 20 years ago

> I'm looking for the song at the end of the new smallville this week of april 15th. The chorus was 'Meet me on the other side. I see you on the otherside' The episode Clark meeting a kid who could be from another planet. If you have any info, please email me. Thanks.
the song is from David gray, the title is 'the other side' a great song
# 6 20 years ago

> I'm looking for the song at the end of the new smallville this week of april 15th. The chorus was 'Meet me on the other side. I see you on the otherside' The episode Clark meeting a kid who could be from another planet. If you have any info, please email me. Thanks.
# 7 19 years ago

> I'm looking for the song at the end of the new smallville this week of april 15th. The chorus was 'Meet me on the other side. I see you on the otherside' The episode Clark meeting a kid who could be from another planet. If you have any info, please email me. Thanks.
> David Gray - The Other Side. =) good luck with that!!
# 8 18 years ago

well the song's called the other side and it's from david gray! if u want it email me and i can pass it 2 u
see ya
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