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Mercedes-Benz Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

does anyone know the name of the sond in the mercedes benz commercial where they show all the models of the e-class on an essembly line and the music goes something like 'time is on your side, yes it is.' Thanx
# 2 21 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the sond in the mercedes benz commercial where they show all the models of the e-class on an essembly line and the music goes something like 'time is on your side, yes it is.' Thanx
I dunno if this is but Time Is On My Side is a Rolling Stones song. Its also the creepy song that the killer sings in the movie Fallen.

# 3 21 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the sond in the mercedes benz commercial where they show all the models of the e-class on an essembly line and the music goes something like 'time is on your side, yes it is.' Thanx
Rolling Stones

# 4 21 years ago

thanx jitter
:> does anyone know the name of the sond in the mercedes benz commercial where they show all the models of the e-class on an essembly line and the music goes something like 'time is on your side, yes it is.' Thanx
> I dunno if this is but Time Is On My Side is a Rolling Stones song. Its also the creepy song that the killer sings in the movie Fallen.

# 5 20 years ago

Everyone that says Rolling Stones is not wrong - but the version in the commercial is an exclusive cover by Cerys - made just for the ad so it's unavailable. If it matters...

# 6 20 years ago

does anyone happen to know the name of the name of the song in the NEW mercedes commerical? the lyrics are something like "your picture is on my wall, it helps me remember you..i still love you the same"?? i really really like it, but cant find out who it is.
# 7 20 years ago

> does anyone happen to know the name of the name of the song in the NEW mercedes commerical? the lyrics are something like "your picture is on my wall, it helps me remember you..i still love you the same"?? i really really like it, but cant find out who it is.
# 8 20 years ago

> does anyone happen to know the name of the name of the song in the NEW mercedes commerical? the lyrics are something like "your picture is on my wall, it helps me remember you..i still love you the same"?? i really really like it, but cant find out who it is.
# 9 20 years ago

> does anyone happen to know the name of the name of the song in the NEW mercedes commerical? the lyrics are something like "your picture is on my wall, it helps me remember you..i still love you the same"?? i really really like it, but cant find out who it is.
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