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saturn ( just married ) clip

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# 1 21 years ago

saturn has a ton of commercials for the new ion, one of these ad's features two couples driving through a just married town. there is a classical song playing in the background ( no words, just music ), (similar to baz hurmans ' everybodys free to where sunscreen' - song ),. any ideas ?
# 2 21 years ago

> saturn has a ton of commercials for the new ion, one of these ad's features two couples driving through a just married town. there is a classical song playing in the background ( no words, just music ), (similar to baz hurmans ' everybodys free to where sunscreen' - song ),. any ideas ?
The composer is Pachelbel...and the song is Canon in D major, or C major...ummm....just type the dude's name and Canon on Kazaa, and something should come up...

# 3 21 years ago

Yes, the one used on the commercial is a remix for the theme in Pachelbel's Canon (in D major). Idk if you can find the remix on the internet but you will find the original, which contains a harpsichord and an orchestra in the background with a few violin solos.
I hope this bit of information helps you

# 4 19 years ago

> > saturn has a ton of commercials for the new ion, one of these ad's features two couples driving through a just married town. there is a classical song playing in the background ( no words, just music ), (similar to baz hurmans ' everybodys free to where sunscreen' - song ),. any ideas ?
> The composer is Pachelbel...and the song is Canon in D major, or C major...ummm....just type the dude's name and Canon on Kazaa, and something should come up...
# 5 19 years ago

> > saturn has a ton of commercials for the new ion, one of these ad's features two couples driving through a just married town. there is a classical song playing in the background ( no words, just music ), (similar to baz hurmans ' everybodys free to where sunscreen' - song ),. any ideas ?
> The composer is Pachelbel...and the song is Canon in D major, or C major...ummm....just type the dude's name and Canon on Kazaa, and something should come up...
(All 5 messages )

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