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in that pepsi mud commercial, what band is playing?

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# 1 21 years ago

In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
# 2 21 years ago

> In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
I think it might be hoobastank

# 3 21 years ago

> : In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
> I think it might be hoobastank
Its NOFX playing
# 4 21 years ago

> :> In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
>> I think it might be hoobastank
> Its NOFX playing

IT'S MXPX!! geez people there is a BANNER in the beginning... There was already a post about this, if you bothered to look below... It's MxPx, and the song hasn't been released yet, and it's called 'well adjusted'
# 5 21 years ago

they suck
which sucks because MXPX are nothing but a bunch of wannabee poser fags.
Oh yeh and their music is homo-gay-fagdance shitpile fuckpile.
# 6 21 years ago

> which sucks because MXPX are nothing but a bunch of wannabee poser fags.
> Oh yeh and their music is homo-gay-fagdance shitpile fuckpile.

And is this comment really necessary?
# 7 20 years ago

they suck
shut up you homo-gay-fagdance shitpile fuckpile, i'll beat you to death you bitch faggot i beat girls up
# 8 20 years ago

> shut up you homo-gay-fagdance shitpile fuckpile, i'll beat you to death you bitch faggot i beat girls up
yeah...big surprise there. one word for you, kid: thesaurus.
# 9 20 years ago

Ima Jeane
> : shut up you homo-gay-fagdance shitpile fuckpile, i'll beat you to death you bitch faggot i beat girls up
> yeah...big surprise there. one word for you, kid: thesaurus.
I thoroughly enjoy the wonderful vocabulary provided by a thesaurus! I'd also like to say...go see the mxpx website. It's rockin cool, JUST LIKE THE BAND!
# 10 20 years ago

> :> In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
>> I think it might be hoobastank
> Its NOFX playing
What is the song name?
# 11 20 years ago

> :> In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
>> I think it might be hoobastank
> Its NOFX playing
# 12 20 years ago

You're wrong, it's not 'Well Adjusted'
From what I have read, it's called 'Going Crazy' but I have yet to find this song.

# 13 20 years ago

> :> In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
>> I think it might be hoobastank
> Its NOFX playing
>god dont say its a band if you dont know for is definetely MXPX...i mean come on they are nothing like hoobastank...
# 14 20 years ago

> :> : In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
>> : I think it might be hoobastank
>> Its NOFX playing
: IT'S MXPX!! geez people there is a BANNER in the beginning... There was already a post about this, if you bothered to look below... It's MxPx, and the song hasn't been released yet, and it's called 'well adjusted'
> when is it being released?
# 15 20 years ago

Well, kee-rist on a crutch, when IS it going to be released?
>> :> In that diet pepsi mud commercial...what band is playing, does any1 kno?
>> : I think it might be hoobastank
>> Its NOFX playing
: IT'S MXPX!! geez people there is a BANNER in the beginning... There was already a post about this, if you bothered to look below... It's MxPx, and the song hasn't been released yet, and it's called 'well adjusted'

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