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Ford Focus commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Any have or know where i can find that ford focus commercial with the dalbello track 'With all your heart'?
It used to play before films in the theatre, was about a minute long, and had this chick sort of breaking away from the norm . I have the mp3 but I would really like a mpeg, or mov or avi of it?
Can anyone help?
# 2 19 years ago

Better question is:

Who's the really hot brunette girl on Ford commercials wearing the sort of 'mod'-looking little red hat and the hip-hugger jeans? What hips they hug! Yowie!

> Any have or know where i can find that ford focus commercial with the dalbello track 'With all your heart'?
> It used to play before films in the theatre, was about a minute long, and had this chick sort of breaking away from the norm . I have the mp3 but I would really like a mpeg, or mov or avi of it?
> Can anyone help?
> Thx,
> Scott
# 3 19 years ago

> Any have or know where i can find that ford focus commercial with the dalbello track 'With all your heart'?
> It used to play before films in the theatre, was about a minute long, and had this chick sort of breaking away from the norm . I have the mp3 but I would really like a mpeg, or mov or avi of it?
> Can anyone help?
> Thx,
> Scott
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