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2005 jaguar s-type commercial

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# 16 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!

it's a song called "hardcore days and softcore nights" by a band called aqueduct
# 17 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!
i need to download this song its great. does anyone reconize it?
# 18 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!

Group named Aqueduct, song named "Hardcore Days & Softcore Nights"
# 19 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!

It is the second song on Aqueduct's "I Sold Gold" cd.
# 20 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!
found it on another site: "Hardcore Days And Softcore Nights" by Aqueduct
# 21 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!
found it on another site: "Hardcore Days And Softcore Nights" by Aqueduct
# 22 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!

AQUEDUCT "Hardcore Days & Softcore Nights"
# 23 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!

I believe it is by Aqueduct...called "Hardcore Days and Softcore Nights"
# 24 18 years ago

Did you ever find out? I can't find it anywhere.

> does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
# 25 18 years ago

to me, the lyrics sound like: "don't ever ask me where i go, just thought i ought to let you know." hope that helps. i to am looking for the name of the song.
# 26 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!

Song is "Hardcore days and softcore nights" by Aqueduct
# 27 18 years ago

> > does anyone know what the song is in this commercial? it is definitely not the tomayasu hotei song... the lyrics sound a little bit like "don't ever tell me where to go", but it's hard to tell. please help! it's driving me nuts.
> Did you find out yet, it's driving us nuts too!

Song is "Hardcore days and softcore nights" by Aqueduct
# 28 18 years ago

It's called i turn my camera on by sthingy.
# 29 18 years ago

It's called i turn my camera on by sthingy.
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