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Ikea "Guy pushing car" commercial - Music??

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# 1 22 years ago

Anyone know the name of the song and/or band in the Ikea commercial where a guy is pushing a car (girl is driving) with a wheel-lock on it?
Many thanks in advance for any info.
# 2 22 years ago

I have no idea but please post it here when someone figures it out! This isn't the first ikea commercial to use this song either; I've wanted to know for a couple of months now. Please post answer!

: Hey,
> Anyone know the name of the song and/or band in the Ikea commercial where a guy is pushing a car (girl is driving) with a wheel-lock on it?
> Many thanks in advance for any info.

# 3 22 years ago

Etienne Charry!!!!! Song's called 'Par Ici La Monnaie'!!!!!
# 4 22 years ago

> Etienne Charry!!!!! Song's called 'Par Ici La Monnaie'!!!!!
Omfg, THANK YOU! Woot.
# 5 20 years ago

> yup, the song is from Etienne Charry. I found it by trying to figure out who the girl is.Later
# 6 20 years ago

I have no ears, but I doooo have two noses, but no arms, but I doooo have four legs.
Where he follows the food good dog five bread going you coming and dipper serving I am heart, and heat.

# 7 19 years ago

Does anyone know what song plays in the background of the Spider Man 2 Movie Trailer? It's got an Opera/Classical sound to it....any help is appreciated, thanks! :D
# 8 19 years ago

Some guy
It's called "Lacrimosa" by Immediate Music .
# 9 19 years ago

> Hey,
> Anyone know the name of the song and/or band in the Ikea commercial where a guy is pushing a car (girl is driving) with a wheel-lock on it?
> Many thanks in advance for any info.
(All 9 messages )

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