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i love you hilary duff!!!!!

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# 1 18 years ago

I want Hilary Duffs email address because I have been her fan for a really long time.I am in grade 8 now and i've been her fan since she first came out!!!I have all of her posters and I have t-shirts with her on it and I have almost all of the stuff by Hilary Duff products!!!So please let me have her email address!!!!
# 2 18 years ago

> I want Hilary Duffs email address because I have been her fan for a really long time.I am in grade 8 now and i've been her fan since she first came out!!!I have all of her posters and I have t-shirts with her on it and I have almost all of the stuff by Hilary Duff products!!!So please let me have her email address!!!!
# 3 18 years ago

I love hilary duff.I have hary duff everything.I have been her fan for along long that is why I want her e-mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 4 18 years ago

> I want Hilary Duffs email address because I have been her fan for a really long time.I am in grade 4 now and i've been her fan since she first came out!!!I have all of her posters and I have t-shirts with her on it and I have almost all of the stuff by Hilary Duff products!!!So please let me have her email address!!!!
# 5 18 years ago

HILARY is good- HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 6 18 years ago

> > I want Hilary Duffs email address because I have been her fan for a really long time.I am in grade 8 now and i've been her fan since she first came out!!!I have all of her posters and I have t-shirts with her on it and I have almost all of the stuff by Hilary Duff products!!!So please let me have her email address!!!!
# 7 18 years ago

> > > I want Hilary Duffs email address because I have been her fan for a really long time.I am in grade 8 now and i've been her fan since she first came out!!!I have all of her posters and I have t-shirts with her on it and I have almost all of the stuff by Hilary Duff products!!!So please let me have her email address!!!!
> >
> please i love hilary duff i was at her concert yesturday at contidental arenas and i loved it she was so so so pretty last night she is always so so pretty and she has a grate voice so please can i have her email address
# 8 18 years ago

> I love hilary duff.I have hary duff everything.I have been her fan for along long that is why I want her e-mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 9 18 years ago

> > I love hilary duff.I have hary duff everything.I have been her fan for along long that is why I want your e-mail. My name is jessica boudreault my age is 9. I would like to know if Hilary Duff will ever come to Woodstock Ontario to do a concert, and where are you born Hilary. you are a great singer and actor my favorite movie of your is (raise your voice and a cinderella story) you a very pretty i wish i was you. you are my favorite singer.
i hope someday i can meet you in person, i wish that everynight. when i grow up i want to be just like you, you are awesome.

love jessica xo
# 10 18 years ago

> I want Hilary Duffs email address because I have been her fan for a really long time.I am in grade 8 now and i've been her fan since she first came out!!!I have all of her posters and I have t-shirts with her on it and I have almost all of the stuff by Hilary Duff products!!!So please let me have her email address!!!!
# 11 18 years ago

> I want Hilary Duffs email address because I have been her fan for a really long time.I am in college now and i've been her fan since she first came out!!!I have all of her posters and I have t-shirts with her on it and I have almost all of the stuff by Hilary Duff products i seriously really really love hilary!!!So please let me have her email address!!!!
# 12 17 years ago

> I want Hilary Duffs email address because I have been her fan for a really long time.I am in grade 5 now and i've been her fan since she first came out!!!I have all of her posters and I have t-shirts with her on it and I have almost all of the stuff by Hilary Duff products!!!So please let me have her email address!!!!
# 13 18 years ago

> I love hilary duff.I have hary duff everything.I have been her fan for along long that is why I want her e-mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 14 18 years ago

> I love hilary duff.I have hary duff everything.I have been her fan for along long that is why I want her e-mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lov you a lot ps.. can i have a new maill on msn m.. ok
(All 14 messages )

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