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Victoria's Secret music

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# 1 21 years ago

hey does anyone know the music from the 1 seamless bra commercial. It kinda has a funky techno beat. Here is a link to the commercial to here the music.
# 2 21 years ago

> hey does anyone know the music from the 1 seamless bra commercial. It kinda has a funky techno beat. Here is a link to the commercial to here the music.
the name of the song is 'disco science' by mirwais. he's a british dj who produced part of madonna's 'music' album. This song is available and well placed on the 'snatch' soundtrack. a movie conveniently directed by madonna's husband guy ritchie.
# 3 21 years ago

Hey man thanks alot I knew I heard that somewhere and Snatch it was.

:> hey does anyone know the music from the 1 seamless bra commercial. It kinda has a funky techno beat. Here is a link to the commercial to here the music.
> the name of the song is 'disco science' by mirwais. he's a british dj who produced part of madonna's 'music' album. This song is available and well placed on the 'snatch' soundtrack. a movie conveniently directed by madonna's husband guy ritchie.

# 4 20 years ago

does anyone know the song/artist/album to the new victoria secret ad? It's a man singing a slow song.
# 5 20 years ago

its disco science by mirwais.

# 6 20 years ago

its disco science by mirwais.

# 7 20 years ago

> hey does anyone know the music from the 1 seamless bra commercial. It kinda has a funky techno beat. Here is a link to the commercial to here the music.
i believe the song is by bob dylan.. and its called love sick.. im dl it rite now to c if its the rite song... so check it out on kazaa or watever!
# 8 20 years ago

It is Overseer, song is called 'Slayed', same group that does 'Horndog' from the Mistubishi Endeavor commercial, album is 'Wreakage'

: hey does anyone know the music from the 1 seamless bra commercial. It kinda has a funky techno beat. Here is a link to the commercial to here the music.

# 9 20 years ago

-I have found the music many folks are looking for from the commercial showing the models wearing the angel wings and the seamless bras: The cd is called Wreckage by Overseer. The track is named Slayed. Kicks ass. The music from the Mitusbishi Endeavor SUV commercial is there too. Called Horndog. On sale at Tower Music for $12. Good CD.
> Hey man thanks alot I knew I heard that somewhere and Snatch it was.
> :> hey does anyone know the music from the 1 seamless bra commercial. It kinda has a funky techno beat. Here is a link to the commercial to here the music.
> > the name of the song is 'disco science' by mirwais. he's a british dj who produced part of madonna's 'music' album. This song is available and well placed on the 'snatch' soundtrack. a movie conveniently directed by madonna's husband guy ritchie.
# 10 20 years ago

I am looking for CD #2, 3 and 4 from Victoria Secrete CD collection. Any idea where I can find it and purchase it.
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